Ultraviolet Boy & Joslyn Daniel - Dream of Eros (EP)

"Dream of Eros" is a double-dose depiction of, as they put it, "two realities that exist within the universe of love." Both realities are seen as "gay yearning," yes, that's right, support queer artists cause someone's sexual orientation shouldn't affect how you hear the music, especially when it's this beautiful. There's just something about DIY artists that just makes it that much better, especially because it's much harder for queer artists to be accepted, thus making people standoffish to lend their helping hands. Rather than taking that personally & waiting for people to come around, they take matters into their own hands & craft out the dreamiest of EP's & which's highly commendable.

"Greener Grasses" is another one of those records that describe how I've been feeling lately. The sadness that love can bring has undoubtedly kicked my ass & they just took the words. My anxiety just won't allow me to articulate as well as this, out of my mouth, crazy being that I'm a writer. Still, anyway, records like this one are very much needed & appreciated when relationships are so at stake. Particularly long-distance ones, at least for me, it can be hard to accept that life gets in the way & even harder being that you just have to accept it cause it's natural.

"Venus-Mars" is more upbeat than the previous, taking me back to when the relationship was actually amicable & relatively innocent, that puppy love that all relationships tend to show in the beginning. Still, it's also important not to fixate so much on the past for us to grow, with this one again reminding me that the love I'm experiencing has both been platonic & unrequited. It kind of dilly-dallies between the two, but all in all, these are two gorgeous records that you need in your playlist; the emotions are palpable.