THEOFFICIALRAM - Long Journey (Single)

It's been a "Long Journey" for RAM to get to this point in his life, lots of trials & tribulations he had to overcome only to see that there's even more ahead for him to do the same thing with these learnings. Still, he isn't letting a thing discourage him into becoming complacent; he's always keeping the attitude of striving for more, at all costs. The odds are stacked against him & he's here to yell "JENGA!" knocking down these barriers people love to just put up in hopes that you won't be strong enough to knock them down through hard work & perseverance.

On the triumphantly pacy & concise record, RAM bares his heart & soul, the auto-tuned wails of his sounding like the fiercest battle cry you've ever heard with Melodik Beats supplying him with just enough to get all this weight off his chest. The hook's relevancy further adds to it; he can't let the oppressor beat him down like he's Nate Robinson. He's always going to put up a fight & with that strength & determination, he's soon to be even further away from the dirt & roaches he had to sleep on & around for god knows how long.

It's a concise burst of energy that'll surely strike inspiration into those who can relate to getting it out the mud, which, unfortunately, isn't nearly as many people as it should be. Hopefully, it can even inspire those people to switch gears & take the long road to success. To me, that ensures that you'll have longevity. I imagine it would be harder to maintain that if you just blew up overnight, this takes dedication & most people just aren't willing to put up with that battle. Still, RAM is & it's enough to get listeners thinking about turning any bad situation they may be in, on its head, full 360.