Le$ - Le$ Is More (EP)

On his 3rd record this year, Le$ keeps everything concise, I mean, he has plenty to say since he’s been gone but he doesn’t waste words & those he does speak are meant to be heeded. This is one of those records where the intro, which is merely spoken word over some smooth soul production, matches the cover art, it’s inspirational hearing him nonchalantly speak all the fruits of his labor into existence but this is simply an appetizer for what’s to come as well as being another excellent addition to his catalogue so shall we?

That sample on “Rain” immediately lets you know the vibes & Le$ comes through to let a few things be known, he’s still that same dude but a lot has changed, he’s grown a lot from what people close may have been used to from him but he has no time for the envious, if you aren’t helping him along his way then simply stay out of the way. I also love that he’s “still quick to run through a zip” but quit fucking with the lean, that lean will zombie you out but a zip, well that probably plays a role in why his flow is so laidback or maybe he’s just that much more cooler than you or both. He’s put in too much work to not demand his respect while still spitting game, hopefully they taking it all into consideration.

I absolutely love this west coast, LA sound, I feel like it’s the perfect production to classily talk your shit over, which is what Le$ does here on “Ya Kno”, so if you weren’t already familiar, now you know. I also love that he makes it a fine point that he grew but he didn’t change, a lot of the time, I find people get annoyed when you don’t change certain aspects about yourself but that’s dumb cause, at least in his case, it should be respected that he never conformed & always stuck to his guns, the reward will always be greater when you simply do you.

Here we go with the alliteration again, I absolutely love it & correct me if I’m wrong but is this a reference to this classic Namco series “Ridge Racer”, I can’t see it meaning anything else, not a lot of people know about that game so I guess you can literally say he’s putting you on game! It only makes sense that he’d be “Gassin’” even when he’s on cruise control as he seamlessly breezes through each of these records. He’s too smooth with it & a lot of these bars can fly over your head if you aren’t careful, the lyricism is that impeccable, very conversational but it’s how meticulously he articulates himself that I find most intriguing.

Le$ for President has a nice ring to it & his “Campaign” speech here is damn near a National event. He’s someone who only speaks when he has something to say so whenever he does so, it’s felt. This is motivational music right here, for anybody who’s lost their determination, his words will definitely resonate. All in all, Le$ caps off another monumental year with another batch of music to add to his ever growing archive, one that further cements his place in this game, this is a legacy artist we’re talking about here, longevity! 

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