Vitorio feat The Musalini - Mo Better Blues (Video)

I might just fall down a PaperChaserDotCom rabbit hole after this cause I didn’t know they were uploading records like this on their channel, I always associated it with other styles but this is that fly, luxurious lyricism beautifully infused with that gutter gusto, that street braggadocio, their tonalities alone sound so elegant bouncing off one another & while I am aware of The Musalini, thanks to the beautiful collab tape he did with the legend Planet Asia, I am now aware of Vitorio, who more than holds his own down alongside such a nonchalant menace like Mus.

Vitorio has a real conversational flow, it’s very easy listening but the bars are so powerful, that astrology line might irk a few but hey, is he wrong? The comfort level he’s clearly in when he’s rapping, I mean he’s just floating ever so gracefully over these blues, that are mo better than your standardized ones. I’m curious what this sample is, let alone who produced it & not everybody can sound this elegant over these soul samples, over these dusty loops & the grainy like visuals only further emphasize the elegance of this ephemeral record. 

One of my favorite lines off this record is “she say she gon hold it down but act uppity”, man, that’s real spill Vitorio, such a simple line but his delivery & tone just make it sound so sweet. The Musalini of course is just coasting over this, I just really admire how laid back he is as he seamlessly executes the delivery of each line, I just have a deep affinity for near silent assassins like that lyrically. I hope to hear more from Vitorio soon but until then, I think it’s safe to say that I’ll be falling down a rabbit hole of his to get more acquainted with this impressive lyricist.
