Loki Loveless - Waterboy (Video)

A lot to appreciate off rip & keep in mind, this is my first time listening to anything from Loki Loveless but he already had my attention off his moniker alone, I love alliteration & I’ll always point it out but it’s the little things I appreciate, like how the song is exactly 2 points, which only further emphasizes how on point he is throughout his subtly concise yet infectiously raw performance throughout this reigning record, produced by none other than Duvin, who literally, I have not heard one bad beat from yet, that tag alone is iconic so if you ever need one of them smashers, hit him up, Loki clearly had the right idea!

Duvin starts off with this real eerie ambience that continues to echo throughout once the reign takes over as soon as that beat drops & Loki may be the “Waterboy” but he’s not just a dripping, he’s oozing out the faucet, busting through pipes & drowing listeners in his viscous fluids. I don’t really have the time nor patience for anyone who’s already checked out cause of the auto tune, I still don’t understand people’s gripe with it, especially when it’s utilized beautifully like it is here. They bug like the lyricism still isn’t present just cause they’re so used to the flow patterns, which personallyk I umr, the pockets he’s found to drop his melodies in sound so meticulously executed.

He’s personal off rip, he’s been doing a lot of self reflecting & is ready to come back on the opposition with a vengeance so palpable, they’ll scatter at the sheer scent of the trouble he’s bringing, though he’d much rather just chill after everything he’s endured in his life thus far but if anybody wants it, he’ll bring it. The visuals, done by none other than the legend, DavieeDavee, really add that extra layer of paranoia the record alone emits, especially the shizophrenic esque shots of him staring at his reflections while those voices in his head become actual, tangible entities. Easily some of the best visual work from Daviee & now I’m all the more curious as to what Loki Loveless has next to unravel for us.