Argo Moto - Icarus (Single)

Fresh off a long hiatus, Argo Moto released a new single titled “Icarus” that’s flying too close to the sun in rare form while expressing pristine sounds with his signature melancholy rhythm to bare out his heart & soul on record. It’s been a good minute since we’ve gotten a chance to praise a new ballad from Argo Moto; it’s a great feeling to see his presence back in music since he’s always been a talented artist who pushes the boundaries between surreal and sublime. 

Argo expresses deep compassion for the love of his life on the record. He explains that while plenty of changes have happened around him, he‘s still the same humbled man you showed feelings for at first sight. He’s attempting to come up with the words to explain the love he has for you, and while sometimes he can seem lost, you by his side keeps him at peace. He feels like every moment for him, he’s waiting for something to go wrong since that’s the usual process he’s dealt with, but the more his life progresses, the more he’s finding happiness being in love. Argo is more personable on this track than we’ve seen from him before; he’s letting the listeners in to see a deeper side of him and could be why he’s been distant from dropping content like this previously. He wanted us to hear something real, which explains why his time is neutering his relationship for a better future. He still enjoys this music shit but has now found a balance to provide us his best work to date while having a more apparent mental state. 

No word yet on if this will have a follow-up in the future, and honestly, this single came out as a surprise, so I’m all to see what more he has up his sleeve for the new year. We highly recommend you check out the latest ballad from Argo while sharing it around on all available social media platforms. 

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