Felix Ames - Feel The Past, See The Future (EP)

Coming off his debut album, JENA, the R&B and soul singer Felix Ames remains in his lane of creativity having just released his latest project, “Feel The Past, See The Future”. An EP that delivers rich instrumentation and compassionate vocals to fulfill your ears of soulful desire.

On this latest EP, Ames’ maintains his R&B influence through his writing and centers it within a warm and intimate emphasis of a soulful landscape. Serving as an open book as he always does. This knack of emotional outpour makes it impossible to not connect to the emotion coming out of the lyrics with his intricate writing and R&B cadence. The Milwaukee native indirectly references the theme of time in relation to present and foreseeable future situations of an irresistible relationship on many occasions throughout the EP. And he does it in clever and mindful ways. The opening track “I’ve Seen Heaven” paints the imagery of acompassionate and alluring relationship that finds itself cycling through reconnection and detachment. Ame’s sings, “We had plans, but I made choices, I’m better off looking forward. Don’t wait for me. . .” only to back pedal later and hint at the realistic chance that he’ll still miss her by saying, “I’ll still be there when you need me, in the physical maybe, I’ma pop up in your dreams and get you out them jeans.” Cementing the physical attraction no time or outcome can prevent from reconnecting. This same feeling is doubled down on the following track “Clear As Day, Dark As Night”, where the difficulties that come into a relationship with a significant other can take you through peaks and valleys. Where the good times come clear as day and the troubles can convert a forecast to darkness. The continuous focus on time in the present and the future is exceptionally tied into the songs and isn’t until you listen through again that you begin to realize it. Take for instance Voila, where the focus is around the unexpected doings of life, and the surprises that appear before us without invitation. Felix lives comfortably in the present and doesn’t worry about what’s to come or when it comes and applies this same influence on his relationships. “Time don’t wait for no one, and neither do I”.

Feel The Past, See The Future” details the see-saw effect of emotions a relationship can bring as well as the desire to willingly revisit these same relationships despite the outcome. This EP is a 4-track rendezvous packed intimate elements and soulful prowess that creates a tender mood and passive vibrancy from start to finish. You can stream this EP now on all music streaming platforms.