Defiant Darius - 2 Defiant (EP)

Before we get into this, I would like for us all to take a moment of silence to honor Darius’ father. I understand that Darius was entering into a new level in not just music but the many other aspects of his life before his untimely passing & although he wasn’t able to hear this tape like he intended, I’m certain he’s not only proud of what his boy accomplished & will continue to accomplish but he’s up there in Heaven right now, geeking out over the best music his son has crafted thus far. There’s so much strength in him admitting that he wanted to fold after suffering such a tremendous loss but they don’t call him defiant for nothing. Almost immediately, it’s evident that this man has put his foot firmly on the neck of this project. I love a good shit talking intro, especially when the spillage is as real as what he’s saying. With all the fugaziness that plagues this industry, it’s refreshing to come across people who are really “Bout It”, who don’t just talk a good game but actually stand on their business. He’s not just calling out the bullshit, he’s airing that shit out & cleaning house with a fucking vengeance. It’s arrogant, it’s petty but dammit, it’s warranted, long overdue for him to put these little boys in their place. They are not tall enough to ride this ride & quite honestly, it’s not the thrill they’d want to experience. Go ride a rollercoaster or something before you ever play with this man’s name. This same attitude more or less continues on the title track.

Speaking of lil boys, when are they gonna understand that when it comes to women, “She Wanna” a real man, not some little ass boy who’s gonna cry the second she rejects his bitch ass. Imagine the pain they must feel when she chooses Darius over them & imagine them further hating the man over some pussy like damn, if it means that much to you, you can have her. The only crutch is, she don’t want you so what are we really doing here? Unlike them, Darius is actually very respectful of the women. She caught his eye, he felt her out, heard the backstory of why she’s even in this club to begin with & left with her, simple as that. It’s definitely one of those anthems for the independent women who make it abundantly clear what they’re looking for in a man & if you can’t deliver then you have no business even breathing in her direction. For me though personally, it’s this last half of the EP where Darius’ talents really shine. If I recall, he invested a hefty amount on this beat alone & rightfully so cause it’s the coldest production on here & the way he slides over it, you really believe he done “Came Down”. In all honesty, what are you really doing this for cause when I hear someone like Darius, especially on this record, I hear a man who understands how much deeper this goes than just music. He’s not just doing it because he can do it well but to pay it back to his people, to his community, sharing the wealth if you will. More often than not, especially rappers tend to forget where they come from, let alone the people who were there from the beginning but Darius has clearly lost sight of any of that, including his game plan. He’s here to serve his purpose to the highest degree.

“Something Real” for me, is the highlight of this EP. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard him this vulnerable before. As men, especially when it comes to dealing with our emotions, as well as our women, it’s like a lot of us are immune to that open communication, honesty & accountability but Darius bares it all to his woman here, even if she’s technically not his at the moment. I know it must be exhausting for you women to have to put up with this but hopefully you can appreciate how raw & heartfelt he is on this record, it’s gotta be a relief for you ladies to know that there’s still good men out here who are actively trying to heal their traumas to be the man you deserve. He too was a little boy at some point, playing these games on a woman’s heart, damn near shattering it but he’s now here to anneal it back together if you’ll let him. Most boys unfortunately never turn into grown men & certainly don’t take away the right lessons when the woman they refused to be committed to finally chooses herself for once. As someone who’s made this mistake with a woman I loved, I really truly appreciate how in between wind & water he is on this record, it honestly moved me to tears with its soulful production & his seamless switches from rapping to singing. I really adore when rappers showcase that they do got a little singing chops in them. If letting go is a difficult thing for you then this is the record that’ll hopefully make you understand how true the cliche “if you love something, let it go & if it comes back, it’s meant to be” really is. Part of you wishes it could’ve worked out but hey, if you’re happy then I’m happy, truthfully, even if your happiness no longer involves me but don’t get twisted, if your new man is making you feel anything less than something real, it might be time to let Darius put a ring on it.

And then we close out this EP on a powerful note with “Ride Solo”, a daunting tale of betrayal & a warning to be very wary of who you trust with your life, it’s far too precious to land in the wrong hands that’ll gladly take it away from you over even the smallest of misunderstandings or even simply desperation. If you haven’t seen the video or better yet, mini movie for this single then I highly suggest you do so cause it adds so much more depth to an already deep record. Much love to Irrelevant Imaging for writing out this screenplay, Chaney Chino for that flawlessly delivered monologue & all the other actors & behind the scenes workers who helped shape this record into the masterful work of art it is. If you’ve been missing the art of storytelling in Hip Hop the look no further. All in all, I’d say this a milestone for Darius as both a man & an artist, a checkpoint if you will & I can only see him continuing to elevate in this game & in this life. It can only go up from here Darius, just promise us you’ll never lose that defiance of yours! You’re an overcomer, a warrior & a true leader for us all to look up to.