Brionne - Heartbreaker (EP)

Driven with a raw, tough love attitude, Dallas-based rapper Brionne released her new project, HEARTBREAKER, late December before the end of 2023—a three track EP that dives deeper into Brionne’s mentality on love, life, and living. Now that Valentine’s Day is around the corner, it’s necessary to revive and acknowledge her latest project as one to keep in rotation for the holiday.

The first track “CGAM (COME GET AT ME),” rings in Brionne with a heavier energy and attitude backed by knocking bass kicks—highlighting her movements through life, relationships, and bold moments of reflection. “Told my younger self who wants to wish / You need to be smarter.” She focuses on these real moments and challenges from her life—from broken promises to pain from past relationships, Brionne takes that pain and repurposes it to build her confidence in ability to perform and persist with her raps.

“OMN (ON MY NINO)” follows Brionne with a lighter, care free flow alongside fellow Dallas rapper, Coach Tev. With a night out on the town, Brionne provides a micro-narrative of her experience with people at the club—painting a picture of putting people who share interest with her in a position to keep her attention. “Told him if you want my time, Then pay a tab / Then you can keep my interest.” With Coach Tev’s assist on the track, Brionne explores the duality of position and superiority—a cycle of a glorified lifestyle.

On “LALA,” Brionne displays her range in performance while she compares her experiences with sexuality and spirituality. From the shifts to highs and lows with singing/rapping, Brionne talks about the people who want her—expressing her body is a heaven, while people feeding into their temptations and demons in pursuit of her love. “Take a bite right out of heaven in this room when you near me… Ain’t afraid to come and eat it / It’s enough, no you’ll get bit / If you thinking about your demons, Don’t you worry / You’ll get blessed.” Brionne’s exploration of her image, people’s perception of love, sex, and spirituality, create not only a diverse subject within her lyricism, but delivers amazing range, performance, and a catchy hook on a trippy beat; Sounds of something taboo—in the realm between ATliens by Outkast and untitled unmastered. by Kendrick Lamar that is both hypnotizing and unorthodox.