Alex Irish - Twisted Metal (Single)

Hitting the kill switch as she walks in, Alex Irish explores a new musical approach on her latest single titled “Twisted Metal,” which keeps her harmonious vocals floating over this rock surge heard throughout the record, making it one of her most diverse releases to date. The single releases alongside a visual directed by Houstonology that shows Alex hidden in the dark with her grill shining within the shadows, creating this beautiful nightmare look, while other shots show her parading with friends in this horroristic ballad that is quickly becoming one of the most innovative records starting in the new year.

Alex Irish’s vivid imagery throughout the track creates this sinister being in placement of her, almost like a nightmare tracking your inner fears. Even when she’s gone, she remains deep in your thoughts, crawling around with terror in her grasp. Alex Irish's ability to convey a dark and mysterious presence adds a unique dimension to the record that will keep you on the edge of your seat. That moment alone where you feel safe will never be the same; the darkness that seeps through your space at night is her lurking through the shadows, waiting to get back in your psyche. The metal effect in this release only fuels her drive and versatility to echelon heights, creating a cataclysmic shift in her ability to perform in intense moments and make it look superb in the process. Alex Irish has been one of our favorites to notice due to her fathomable emotions in her music, and she always brings something new to the table to enjoy. It’s not an ordinary record but when she does ordinary music. It tells more than what’s on the surface and summons emotions in a personable manner. Alex Irish brings something unique to her art, and I, for one, respect that to the fullest. I hope this is a lane she pursues more in any upcoming release. I would love to see how far her reach can go with this sound.

Alex Irish has been enjoying the feedback from her release, with fans sharing their connection throughout their stories and her comments. I like to see people enjoying her art and know more of it will soon follow. Along with both the single & visual, she dropped some merch to celebrate the release, which we propose you all get something to wear while listening to the record. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the record, we highly recommend you do so and share it around on all social media avenues.