Vermin The Villain & ELAM ZULA - Power Of Two (Album)

It’s no surprise I’ve advocated the superiority of Vermin The Villain’s creativity from the moment I first heard him. I enjoyed every release he’s dropped, and you think by now I’d be more prepared for the surprises he has in store for his releases and performances. However, no, he still finds a way to be diabolical and completely 180s it to something otherworldly. In his latest project titled “Power Of Two,” he links with another talented emcee, ELAM ZULA, whom I was introduced to during Verm’s set last year at The Starlighter and was also given the heads up that music was already being made by the two. Still, nothing would have me prepared for the tape that I strongly encourage everyone to hear; its story structure mixed with the raps is far beyond greatness but don’t just take my word for it; step right up if you dare.

The project opens up with “Japeto,” beginning the storyline of the master & apprentice with the great Villainous Magnifices approaching a new attendee on the street to step up in seeing an experience of wonderment where the surprise caller insists that magic is bullshit. That doesn’t stop the Villain from introducing himself with a questions of his true desires to be granted to the suitor, but he implores him to think outside the box choosing something more than money but the ability to be the greatest emcee. Presto with the magic words, the wishee becomes ELAM ZULA, whose exuberant flow parades throughout the record like a live wire. With bars that can build Attica, ELAM is dishing out consciousness in his raps, combining with the immaculate production transitioning smoothly with him in the track. The record concludes to ELAM being thankful to Vermin for his new gift and begin his lessons to start his ascend into The Mountain receiving his first session in the music business where there is more to unfold. Each track is a learning process, a teachable moment if you will, passed down from master to apprentice to learn about the treacherous path to the music business where not every moment is learned but taught. Verm articulates the record title to the lesson in an azure manner, where the story unfolds as another piece of art to unravel. The project is impeccable, where the golden era of underground hip-hop is heard throughout the project in miraculous efforts. Take “Power Of Two” I hear a Dilated People influence in the record coming from the wild style connection of the two emcees where they form like Ultron being an indestructible force. “Two Swords Are Better Than One” sounds like a Madvillian lost record, but again it shared the mysterious sentiment of Vermin to the late great legend before, and I still stand on it from day one to now. There’s no way to compare the project because both Verm & ELAM evolve the sound and make something impactful on their own. No track is left unturned, from creating a craziness of raps to crossing over in prominent plains of being unbelievably unique. The outro record titled “The Mountain” leaves an ending that can either conclude the ominous tale or leaves it open for interpretation to see a return from the rapping twosome. Being a fan of underground sound, I got to crown this project a worthy acceptance to being one of the most influential albums out right now; stepping out of the norm to being gifted beyond tiers showcases the distinctive features that Vermin & ELAM bring together. When we speak of creative content beyond containment, this project is the pinnacle of that phrase, a superior piece of art untouched.

The project is a no-skip for me; I’ve had the pleasure of enjoying it early and still finding things to be surprised about. It’s not only going to be daily rotation thing for me but something to seek back to in a few months to find more impressive takeaways. I can’t recommend this project more than I already have; if I could, I shout it up from the mountain for people to hear. It’s a solid case for AOTY, no bs, and if you're looking to change my mind, argue with your momma, not me. Be sure to check out what hip-hop has been missing here & put someone new on to it today.