LOS KEMET - Got Drunk For The Most High (Album)

The sophomore effort from the new voice of the South is a testimony to perseverance. This ain’t pain music, it’s his rendition of Soul, a toast to the creator of all the beauty in this whole life. The poetry is in motion once you place the needle on this record. It’s a stark reminder to never allow yourself to be overtaken by your vices. We all have our own but a lot of us tend to overindulge, whether it be to mask our pain or simply because we enjoy the dopamine rush but anybody who’s lived that experience knows that it can fly off the rails if you’re not careful. I’m sure LOS has firsthand experience with that. It can turn even the “Most Civilized Spirit” into someone who’s simply out of control. He clearly hasn’t allowed his vices to run his life, unless we’re talking music, which can be seen as a vice of sorts, it’s certainly therapeutic for him as his words alleviate like topical oils. But be warned, if tested, especially once that liquor has entered his system, things can get violent real quick, as he fully paints a picture of the ripple effect caused by it. It’s an operatically beautiful juxtaposition of the streets & the industry.

KEMET is at the top of his game, in spite of the adversity faced & the naysaying of any doubters along his way. He’s well on his way to earning that “Bron Money” & so is his people, which is all he wishes to see. He don’t got time for anything fairweather, regardless of the relationship, be it romantic, familial, he just don’t got time for anything flaky. In this life, he fully understands the necessity of taking risks, hence the reason why he never once has chosen the safer route in or out. This is where things can get uncomfortable for some but not him. Most wouldn’t even be able to walk the paths he’s treaded, let alone the one he’s on now, they just ain’t built for it. The Memphis influence is ever so prevalent on the smash single “Shake Junt”. If I’m not mistaken, Junt is smooth-drinking cream ale crafted by Memphis Made Brewing, which would play into the theme of his vice of choice, alcohol, beer, drinking period. His flow on this record here goes down as smooth as I’m certain that drink once it slides down your gullet. 

KEMET does it like a boss does it on the Caterpillar Jones assisted “Slammin’”. While most of these cats was out there wasting their time, chasing hoes & getting their willies wet, they were focused on bigger & better things of far more importance than some tail, which they clearly could get any day but bosses like them don’t need to be distracted by any byproducts of the success. Too many artists get suckered into the vices this game dangles in front of them & wind up taking the bait but LOS got no business being at the function with these people, blowing all their money on meaningless things, just point him to where the funds can be attained so he can continue investing into himself. You gotta appreciate how he continues to incorporate various drinks into these records with the double meaning in “Moonshine”, which I hear is one of those sneaky drinks. Here he paints a vivid picture of a sinner, from the PTSD to his paranoia to the stress all of this is causing his mama. Still, she sees the God in her son, as does he when he stares at his reflection, pleading for forgiveness. Cara Crosby aids him in wielding his sword in order to conquer the demons which attempt to pull him down under.

Though LOS is repeating the phrase “Godspeed” as he asks Jesus to take the wheel on “Still Speedin’”, it’s evident, as he states, that he’s still a bit hell bent for leather, continuing to indulge a bit too much in his alcoholism. He points out all the pros & cons of his addiction on this self aware number. There’s a lyric in this excerpt of his story that sums the record up perfectly, “I ain’t got no problems with it but I got some problems with it, I should go & solve them bitches.” It’s felt here that he does wish to work towards a potential life of sobriety & is asking God to help him in reaching that destination but knows that his impatience to numb the pain isn’t gonna get him there any quicker. The R&B vibes come out in full effect on “Active”, though it ain’t your typical love song, it’s more so an ode to the hood he comes from, the rush one can get from trappin’ & living that fast lifestyle. It’s easy money but it’s hard to maintain but that thrill is what keeps him entangled in that cycle. After all the intense lyricism up to this point, it’s a nice, cool, relaxing high you’ll get from hearing him croon a little.

“Bless Me” is one of those records that’ll obviously get the strip clubs jumping. It finds him giving into his lustful desires a bit, as I’m sure he has a little money to blow. There ain’t nothing wrong with turning up a bit but it feels as if he’s falling deeper into these vices. Anybody who got anything to say though can keep that bullshit to themselves before he sprays you up on “F&N”, which is probably the shortest record on this record & is that a “Bling Bling” flip? It has to be & it’s a nasty one too! Like I said, he got that cash money to splurge. As Cara Crosby says on “5 Star”, you’ve been working so hard but forget all that shit outside & come inside where she can relieve that stress. It’s the most romantic number on this album & so different from all the others, making it the true standout. It’s pure love & soul, straight lovemaking R&B but once that attitude shifts, he gotta ask, why you “Thug Me” like that? I guess it’s just the bad bitch in her that got him surprised is all. Closing things off with the soothing “Too Drunk”, KEMET has never sounded as sincere as he does here. Not only does he take accountability for the harm he’s caused but he asks his audience to do the same, to question whether or not their actions are worth continuing if it means your loved ones have to suffer alongside you. I have faith that he can overcome his struggles, so as long as he maintains his sense of spirituality & I believe he will cause not once do you feel faith faltering on this divine testimonial of an album.