Backwood Brat - No Hard Feelings 2 (Album)

Not long after being introduced to her zany approach to music with her single “Hot Potato,” Backwood Brat would then release a new project titled “No Hard Feelings 2”, a follow-up to her 2022 project where instead of being caked up on the cover she instead decided to be festive with the holiday season around the corner and show her excited with tears in her eyes to meet Santa during her newborn years. Backwood Brat devises ten tracks to give you more in-depth experiences into her eccentric style & outgoing character in this release. It’s already becoming one of my favorites of the month, and it’s a sure sign that Backwood Brat will become an artist to pay close attention to in 2024.

Running up the flow, Backwood Brat starts the album with her record “Okay,” where, right out the gate, you’re hit with her idiosyncratic wave of lyricism, which becomes catchy the more you hear it. In the cut, speaking on how men are decisive with the decision where she pays it no mind, if it doesn’t include dollar signs, then it doesn’t include her either. Not needing to worry about no man or broads hating, she’s been getting it in regardless of the outcome and pays no mind to responding nonchalantly. Backwood Brat is boastful when she gets to rapping; not having a duplicate sound is what I enjoy about her music. Being on an aberrant level makes me gravitate to her music, especially on how enjoyable she makes these records. “Snoop Dogg” & “Rollin’” got to be some of my highlights from the project; she floats over these West Coast productions with intense energy, even properly tackling the Outkast-sampled bop “Clean” with vigor and grandeur in her madcap scheme, making it that hit that you got have playing in rotation. Offbeat with an anomalous performance, Backwood Brat is outgoing with delivery in her raps, from the outlandish record “Quit Your Job” where she speaks on the difference between her and others where talents reign supreme in her favor so she understands where the disconnect comes between her and others. Backwood Brat is out of this world with this release; if this doesn’t make you an instant fan of hers, you’re missing out, or you’re just hating. It’s whimsical by showcasing her lifestyle to echelon heights, giving you a view into her world the best way she knows how to: in pure talent.

The project is already receiving its deserved attention, which isn’t a surprise; we know it’s going to become more prominent in no time; expect her name to be buzzing more in the new year, and you can make sure to know that more of her music will be posted on the site moving forward. Get hip to Backwood Brat here and make sure to share it around on all social media avenues.