Erykah Officer - Ery’s Diary (Album)

After her appearance on Chris Patrick & Dende’s albums including singles of her own, we began to fall in love with the celestial vocals of Erykah Officer and hope we can someday have an album of her own to enjoy. Well, during my brief hiatus away from writing, it just happened that it was already in the works as towards the end of October, Erykah had been promoting the release of her upcoming debut project titled “Ery’s Diary” with a few previews that sounded otherworldly, so best believe as soon as it dropped. I got to listening. When I was ready to get back to writing mode, I knew it would be the first thing I penned together to let the people know just how incredible this album is and what kind of emotional impact you will have once you listen to it.

I’ve spoken about this specific subject many times before, but one more wouldn't hurt. I’m a sucker for a great intro, it’s the most vital piece to an album, something to help you get hooked to the rest, and I think this may be my favorite. This intro brings it to a new level; how could this get any better? I feel bad for the artist that has to top it, but Erykah Officer & Chris Patrick bring heaven to your ears right out the gate with “Dear Ery.” This duet single is impressive; I feel like a choir of angels had to be involved in the recording process, or the lord himself was in the booth because this is some biblical singing right here. The closest thing to Heaven is right here, and both artists sing out their hearts to talk about the findings of love that did not work out in the end. The damage is done, and it affects them in future relationships, where the lies still come up, the deception is still there, and remembering it feels like that very same day again. Erykah Officer is not playing around; R&B is alive and well with being “Close To Angels” in this ballad; she begins to confess that you’re her medicine when she is sick, her air to breathe, the missing factor in her life. She needs you close to her, chest to a rosary, as she describes perfectly. Another sincere reason to see the light in her music, to clench at every emotion she provides in her tone, it’s just an ethereal feeling that you can’t describe but want to feel in her music every time. “Lowkey Lover” is the first track so far in the project to have more of an upbeat tempo, and it could be due to the funky progression that arises at the beginning and continues throughout the track. On the down low, she confides in a lover whom she can speak to and feel for; it’s their special secret that no one needs to know; the thrill of a companion with no strings attached is a rush. Accompanied by Dende, who adds something unique to the record, mixed in with Erykah, it feels like you’re lost in the clouds with a companion in the sky for two with no certainty that you'll ever come back down. While the album highlights her majestic beauty, some tracks showcase more of her ability to bring music to life; her records “Feelings” and " Doctors Order” showcase her discussing two separate scenarios but with imagery you can see once her words to creating a spell. With “Feelings”, the vengeful spirit in her doesn’t want her to do any wrong unless you make her. Don’t continue to twist the blade in her back to think shit is sweet between yall, or you’ll feel her wrath. She warns you about the things she is capable of doing, so do not take her kindness for weakness, remain complacent, and keep her name out of your mouth.Doctors Orders” represents the urgency of needing someone who has her heart, the ache of their presence being away from her where her words openly provide a vivid look of this, almost like your there with her. She digs deep in her soul to have us hear her passion, and it’s so beautiful to have an artist make us feel this way. Her essence is so pure throughout the project, where we enter her outro freestyle titled “Caught Up,” where she surprises herself being so caught up in a relationship that has just begun and can’t understand where it might’ve gone awry to be quick with the feelings. This companion’s energy is too much; what started as a friendly interaction that has blossomed into something more serious. She retraces back to how this happened; even in the record, she fights herself not to get too much in her head about it and deal with the new approach. It’s a game of love with a tug of wheel feel to it and she adequately takes it to a whole new level.

Since her release, we’ve seen all the dwarves praises and achievements she’s gotten and we couldn’t be more proud of her success. It’s surprising, but I still haven’t seen her perform live yet; I need to ensure that it happens soon, either this year or the next. We hope for her to see many more blessings come her way, and if you're not hipped to her music yet then let this be your invite to do so now.