Tylynn - Journaling in Winter (EP)

Tylynn can’t be the only one who loves the winter as much as I do. It’s something about those cool breezes that bring out so much emotion & that’s exactly the case with these excerpts here. Opening up with “It Doesn’t Always Work”, she’s shattering frozen glass hearts off rip. It’s rather depressing that, no matter how good a relationship may seem, for some reasons, it just may not work out the way we hoped it would. Every situation is different so the factors at play could be many different things & sometimes, we may never get any sort of closure for its dissolution. We tend to reflect on the good times of the relationship, so much so that we become blind to the aspects that were only damaging it until something finally gave in. It’s not always easy to see the red flags when we’re so hyper focused on maintaining the good feelings, at some point, they all just start to look like flags.

She could “Make It Sweeter” though once things become bitter, if only he would allow her to. She got that sugar you know you want. The metaphors of her love throughout this record is so delicate. Sometimes love is enough, at least in the beginning, I mean, they made it this far with how strong the connection is but how long until the cupcake stages as she calls it, begin to lose their flavor? Only time will tell. There’s something so so intimate about acoustic numbers. On “Just A Thought”, she’s tugging at those heartstrings with her earnestness about how she’s feeling for this person. If he’s willing to hear her out, they could have something so special, it won’t be like the past relationships full of lies & manipulation. Why can’t things ever be as sweet as we imagine it to be? Because as she said, a lot of us fall deep into love when we’re young & can’t really fathom the proper work it takes to maintain a connection. The sincerity of this record calls on us to forgive ourselves for any of these mistakes we may have made when we didn’t know what we now do.

You ever “Just Don’t Know” how to move on from someone who once meant the world to you but is now just a distant memory of a complete stranger? It’s a pain you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. After the break, some of us tend to get a little desperate to have them back in our lives, promising that we’ve changed when we know full well we haven’t worked on ourselves as much as we can cause in most cases, once we get them back, it’s just the same cycle all over again. How could we ever “Make Each Other Better” when things are so one sided? Sometimes we confuse love with attachment & breakups really tend to show us the areas we need to work on before we can be healthy enough to possibly compliment each other again or find someone new. God forbid you find someone new cause once you do, some tend to get a little jealous once they see you’re happy with someone else like wow, I fumbled that. You never really know what you got until it’s gone & I too would really hate that.
