NyQuinn - Thin Line (Video)

It’s a thin line between being cautious & paranoid indeed. Ny is just trying to enjoy her leisure but just like her feline friend roaming around the house, she’s curious as to who exactly this stranger is lurking outside of her home & in broad daylight no less. Her vocals are so subtly serenaded. She calls this person out on their irrational behaviors, she’s not all too fond of it. Things can be so simple & so sweet if they would learn to just manage their own emotions & stop tripping over every minor inconvenience. Why can’t it ever just be a civil discussion between the two, why does it always have to bubble over into a full fledged argument with no resolve after the fact?

This person is constantly keeping her on high alert as to when they’ll pounce next & invade her personal space. Clearly she’s been watching too much of a crime shows so she keeps that glock on her in case she has to fire off rounds to keep the intruder at bay where they belong. She’s surgical with the strap as well so buddy in the purple skee better be wary of her precise aim. She subtly fires off this rounds at her opp but ultimately still has a sort of affinity left for this person. There’s a thin line between love & hate once things get chopped & screwed at the end here.

Ny states that this is one of her favorite videos she’s ever done as it really showcases how much she’s been able to grow her editing skills, so much so that she’s even hoping to start up her own media company to soon start directing music videos for other talent & hopefully it comes to fruition, she’s determined enough to manifest it & I don’t mean just speak it into existence, I mean put in that work which she clearly has been doing long enough to wanna take it to the next level & we are all here for it!