Dan E. - Pink (Album)

Hailing from North Carolina, Dan E. is here to present us his debut EP, “Pink” & judging from this cover art, you can assume it’s about to be a beautiful experience that’ll surely leave the better angels of your nature weeping hysterically. Opening up with “I Digress”, Dan ponders on his skills as a lyricist, tying into the “Pink” theme with his proclamation that he is the leanest slab of beef on the meat rack. His slow flow forces the listener to really heed what he’s saying. The soul sampled loops are the perfect bed for him to wax his truth eloquently over. Speaking on everything from trauma, pill addiction & even alcoholism, all escapes from the tedious 9 to 5 he no longer has any interest in.

Dan is on “Autopilot” when he’s having these conversations with himself. He’s extremely self aware & is working diligently to follow his own advice. It’s a beautiful soliloquy, more so a cry for help or at least someone who can make sense of the wide array of thoughts that are clouding his mind. Maybe if they’re both inebriated, it won’t be so hard to listen to what the other has to say he feels. He has a lot of weight to get off his shoulders on “Then They Say”, from societal pressures bouldering down on his shoulders to even his home life, which wasn’t so peachy keen as he hoped it could’ve been. He feels he can only rely on himself & although it gets kinda lonely at times, he keeps fighting through it.

He speaks on the hand he was dealt, genetically predisposed to his own struggles with addiction & mental health & watches his “Paradise on Fire” slowly burn away. It’s a somber testimonial to say the least but like those flames, he’s gonna “Keep On Shining” as he doesn’t allow these troubles stop him from reaching the sun like Icarus. The fact that he’s able to admit his own weaknesses is a strength in & of itself. He’s hopeful for the future & it’s safe to say that, his “TIMEHASCOME”. Not many projects out now that are as poignant than this, soulful, Lo-Fi, introspective music that touches on mental health might just be what you need to hear at this moment in time!

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