Michael Rashad feat xBValentine - Do This (Video)

Michael Rashad opens up this heartfelt little number with an emotional testimonial, speaking directly to his love, baring his heart & soul & allowing his vulnerabilities to really bleed through. He wants her to know that he’s trying, he’s asking for her patience, though he knows in his heart, it’s a tall order but he knows the love is still there, even if barely hanging on, if she could just give it a little bit more time, then maybe she’d be able to see & appreciate his efforts. I feel men period get to a point like this within our relationships. Life can really beat a man down & it’s dire that we have a strong woman by our side to hold us down during those trying times of ours. If she can stick it out through all of that then the reward shall be ever greater for her.

He acknowledges that a lot of people allow the fame to change them but that’s not the case here with him. I mean of course, he puts his heart & soul into what he does so yeah, he would like for people to acknowledge his skill & gain a source of revenue as a result of all the work he puts in but all of that is so he can build a better life for her, for the both of them. That comes with a price however, the question is, is she willing to pay those prices, does she trust that she’ll get a return on investment or is this just another case of the fallacy of sunk costs. Hopefully not the latter. xB comes through sliding on this one, speaking from the perspective of the woman who just wasn’t ready for him, at the time that is.

The record overall is a beautiful mixture of Rap & R&B, with Michael given us spoken word, spitting & singing all on the same record & that in & of itself is impressive. Don’t ask him if he loves you cause that should be clear at this point but a lot of people can’t handle being with an artist cause, they can’t always be the center of their universe, they got other priorities & you could never be 1st on that list but if that’s something you can handle then make sure you’re actually willing to stick it out when it gets tough cause it is gonna get to that point but what’s a relationship without trust, not a damn thing. You need to trust that, at the end of the day, no matter how much attention that person is getting, they still come home to the one who truly matters.