Muriel - Your Heart Is Mine (Video)

The last few days, Muriel had been posting BTS looks of her upcoming visual to her record “Your Heart Is Mine” that showed the OakCliffPrincess dressed in a skintight black body suit with tools meant for torturing in one hand and a deep desire to hurt the one that broke her heart in the other. The fatal attraction release has Muriel conceiving a passionate ballad telling of her misery dealing with someone who hurt her and is now attempting to get her off their mind. Sadly, they can’t, her image is sealed to their psyche, and their heart is hers. Run all your want, plea with the life you got left but know when you think of her, hear your heart skip a beat, then as quick as you stabbed in the back, your heart lies in her hands. The record was a beautifully sung track that shared a different side of Muriel, so to see a creative correspondence seeping into this viewing shows that she went out of her way to bring an incredible tale to life in such a haunting way.

Singing out her heart in the driver's seat, Muriel is seen with a guitar player in her back seat and her Ride Or Die posted in the passenger seat. They pulled up to this secluded parking lot, where they removed a tied-up body from the trunk and dragged it to the middle of the area. Muriel reveals a table with ropes, ties & tools used to hurt someone, and in this case, it be the unlucky guest in the seat. I love the visual shot showing the POV of the person wearing the bag over their head while Muriel is having so much fun preparing to hurt them. She has this sinister essence about her & the mannerisms she mimics remind us of the infamous torture scene displayed in Reservoir Dogs with Mr. Blonde dancing with a razor and cutting up the cop. Another incredible sequence is when she pours water on the floor around his feet and lets the jumper cable shock him while the record shifts into the signature fast-pace breakdown. It’s quite the viewing masterpiece, and I’m glad to see it bare out the same emotional takeaways that the record did.

So far from our timeline, people have been raving with praise for the video’s direction, we love to see Muriel get the shine she deserves, and I know this release will be another successful accomplishment in her defying career. We highly recommend if you haven’t watched Muriel’s latest video, then you stop what you're doing and watch it now. Then proceed to share it around on all social media avenues.