Morgan Gold - Midas (Album)

As soon as Skylar’s production hits your ear & Morgan touches upon it, ever so delicately, you see the Gold, you feel it take over your entire body, like a more majestic symbiote. The synergy between these two has them, like us, both in an out of body experience but their spirits, in all their golden hue, radiate once they inevitably intertwine. Morgan is allowing her partner, Skylar, to let her portcullis down, ensuring her that, if she grants her access to letting her aura mosey on within her temple & vice versa of course, both of their atmospheres are safe spaces to share as they please. They realize that love is a risk & if you have a fear of heights, as two people madly in love would, taking that leap of faith sounds intimidating, you get vertigo at the thought of it, especially if it’s still so foreign to you to feel comfortable enough to bare your vulnerabilities & insecurities around another soul, sometimes you have no choice but to fall head over heels & you may not even realize it. The point of it being is that, they’d be taking it together, they’d be falling together, they’d simply face their fears, together.

They need “No Introductions” after that performance. Aren’t we all so self absorbed at times, most of the time even? It’s hard to believe in anything but yourself, especially when dealing with the ills of this world, we’ll pretty much take in anything if it means it’ll alleviate our pain or satiate our obsessions with feeding our own selfish desires. We’re all set out on completing our missions, the difference in hers is that, she’s not on this journey to prove anything to anyone other than herself. That might come off as arrogant to some but she can only keep it honest with herself. What you see is what you get, at least the parts of her life she’s willing to share. Sometimes, there really isn’t much to say & this cut is a beautiful representation of letting her art speak for itself. It’s not that she wouldn’t mind talking, but anything you really wanna know, is most likely in the music, so it’s up to you to really listen & heed.

Going back to believing in only yourself, sometimes we’re put in that position to feel like we only have ourselves to rely on, that’s why it’s so frightening, the thought of letting your guard down in front of another person. It’s apparently a lot to ask of some people, whether the relationship is familial, romantically or a friend to just be true to you but if you’re not honest with yourself, how could you ever be “True 2 Me”, you wouldn’t be able to be. Hopefully you can learn to be though. This track takes a more upbeat route, a floor stopper for sure or a galaxy zipper in this case, well with the futuristic feels of this production. Her, M.E.L. & No Montana, who both warp this record even more with their performances, are partying that pain of distrust away, grooving amongst Saturn’s rings, dizzyingly so.

Skylar spitting over her own “Versatile” production is definitely another high point on this debut opus of theirs. Skylar waxes ever so eloquently, sounding like somebody who knows that, this batch of records they’ve meticulously crafted, are each a gold ingot, that will never become lackluster as time progresses. What they’ve done here is timeless & you’ll see why the further you get into the album. The previously released “Comeout” is still a highlight for sure. I’m personally used to the singles to albums being the more weaker of the bunch but that is not the case at all here. This record is still a very integral part of her story, touching upon her experiences with coming out to her loved ones. It’s one of the more powerful records to touch upon this matter & she’s far past the concept of coming out, her sexuality shouldn’t be of such concern to you to have to go to the lengths some people have gone to quote unquote “fix” her. Your focus is better spent worrying about your damn self & just to add some slight humor, why is it always the closet people come out of, why not the restroom, your room, the cupboard, no wonder she ain’t coming out again, the whole concept is ridiculous.

Befitting that “Babygirl” is the follow up, see what I mean about the meticulousness! This may be the most feminine she’s ever sounded on a record! Skylar’s production is at its most bubbliest with this buoyant little bop! It’s like they’re ready to go on their honeymoon already, champagne in the ice bucket, rose petals tossed about, playing in the sheets, she sounds so giddily in love with her partner & it’s literally the most adorable thing ever! It’s nice when you can be with someone who really helps you embrace your confidence more, we all got insecurities so it’s great when we can empower one another. Even if she’s spilling all her secrets, there’s still more than meets the eye she’s yet to learn about her the deeper they fall for one another. She’s skipped skillfully into her femininity with this one, from a personal & lyrical standpoint, really feeling her own sex appeal on this intimate little number.

Now you see her, now you don’t on “Outta Sight”, she’s the one pulling the strings, the way she’s able to seamlessly seep deep into your psyche on this mind bending record. It’s an unfortunate situation to be in when you realize the person you’re with isn’t being completely honest with you. That’s one thing she doesn’t play around with, she has no time for that so don’t be upset at her distancing herself in order to protect herself. Imagine coming home after a long day & finding out your hubby is entertaining somebody else. It’s a done deal for her at that point, she’s outta your sight before you even realize she’s still living rent free in your mind. Too bad she’s only a memory for you now. She told she’d break if you stood to close to her enough to reveal your true colors once your mask slips. A beautiful transition into the previously released “Back Up”, which of course, is still a highlight, a beautiful song dedicated to her reclusive tendencies, though the distance only has her yearning for someone to pull her out of isolation.

“BIG BANG!” may be one of her more complex performances lyrically. The imagery she’s painting with her words is so abstract. Time is not only on her side, it’s literally all she has as she’s swimming through those tiny grains, each one representing another second slipping away from her but with the time she does have, she’s gonna make sure she leaves something worthwhile behind, almost like she started everything, indicative of the God in her. They’ve placed these songs so carefully cause these transitions are everything. She’s now longing for “Forgiveness”, she knows she hasn’t always been at her best & has done a lot soul searching since her other half has been gone. She knows asking for forgiveness now may be a long shot but she’s still here on her knees pleading cause even if it comes to no avail, at least she can let go knowing she gave her all & is still improving as time passes by & they drift apart, into the further. Unfortunately, this only leaves her feeling “Empty” as she slips into an unconscious state, each thought more abysmal than the last, praying that, before she hits the ground, her better angels will be down below, waiting to catch her within their warm embraces.

She’s been doing this for quite some time leading up to this “Masterpiece” & it all seems to have gone by quicker than she could’ve anticipated. She hasn’t taken the time to slow down but, being that she’s now headed back “Home”, she asks that those around her keep her grounded so she doesn’t lose sight of what truly matters when this is all said & done cause all that glitters is not gold but that has nothing to do with this mine they can now sit proudly on top of. It must feel great seeing those gold droplets fall from out those Chicago skies.