Aaron May - No Recognition (EP)

Earlier in the week, our creative director, That Kid Carter, sent me the recently released EP from Houston artist Aaron May titled “No Recognition,” which had me hyped since I was fascinated with his 2019 project “Chase.” Hence, having more of his southern wit & composed production in 7-tracks made my week flourish with this prominent release. Aaron is gifted, and you can hear any of his current or previous tracks to get that feeling right at the start; this might be one of his most defying releases since it takes his craft a step further to unleash a plethora of vibes throughout the listening experience.

The last time we heard an artist successfully touch this Billy Paul’s sample, we had “War With God” with Ludacris, which became a notable standout for him on his “Release Therapy” album & now Aaron presents the same sample for his intro record titled “Time” in which he lets the sample create this ambiance before he unleashes this smooth skill set of rhythm and boastful energy. Not too many are cut from the same cloth as Aaron, and he showcases that here in this record. Giving out his pain & his mind, Aaron discusses the reason for his hiatus and his distance from those around him. They expect him to be living lavish, and while that’s a goal, it isn’t his main one. He wants to be living to win and not living to die; most artists will bleed their souls for that one hit and never be heard from again. Aaron wants to continue pouring out his heart but not at the cost that everything from him is completely gone. It’s one of the deepest intros we’ve come across lately, and it’s just the start to hearing more of his dedication cascade out on tracks. “No Recognition” starts with this smooth jazz intake courtesy of ARTIISAN that sets you on top of cloud nine; no matter your preference when you listen to projects like these, if you smoke, drink, exercise, etc., this one right here will be you keep you in a tranquil state. At the same time, Aaron expresses aggression about not being recognized. He’s accomplished so much in his lifetime, yet people aren’t amused, which there is no reason for it; it could be the hate that there not doing the same or could be downplaying his success since there not see the same outcome on their side. No matter the reason, Aaron doesn’t need the satisfaction from you all but don’t make it seem like he isn’t doing anything; give the man his flowers while he can enjoy them. The streak of joints on this album is impeccable; from his Jay Millz-featured record to his outro, “I Ain’t Worried,” Aaron displayed a growth side of him on this project, one where we witness so much greatness in a period we can cherish on multiple occasions.

I’m excited to see what more Aaron May has in store for the future; as previously mentioned, ain’t no one like him out here. He’s a one-of-a-kind presence in music that will always strive for better; we know he’ll continue getting the recognition he deserves (no pun intended). We highly recommend that y’all check out his album here while sharing it on all social media platforms.