Potent Da Rockstar x Zyco Path - GODHEAD (EP)

The Street Shamans are back to cast spells on listeners with this mind fuck of an EP. If you know Potent, then you’re aware of the “Audio Sage” he is. His ear for production is as warped as his flow is. On the twisted opener “MOVE”, he & Zyco are encouraging these cats who are only taking up space in this culture to kindly remove themselves from this game & if not, they’re still moving along this beat with brute force lyrically. Potent’s pen is mightier than the sword on this opening verse. His voice is just so distinct, it demands your attention. Each lyric he meticulously delivers, his flow just slicing through this zonked out production as he precisely makes these incisions, taking his sweet time in slaying these demons. Even the imagery he’s using within the subtle wordplay of lines like “you’re brain dead, food for vultures”, is just absolutely rotten, it really puts the image in your head don’t it? The game is full of zombies so it only makes sense he’s coming for their heads.

Even the hook, as simple as it is, packs more power than most choruses these days, the resounding moves he’s making could cause a ripple effect through the airwaves. This is almost like, party music for the revolution. It’s lyrical enough for the Hip Hop heads to rejoice to but catchy enough to infect spaces like TikTok. Zyco comes through with a scathing verse as he speeds up his flow to find some more unique pockets to insert his rhymes into. They both have this synergy about them, even their voices aren’t too far off from one another, it even took me a minute to distinguish, Zyco is a smidge more monotone but the chemistry is clearly undeniable. It only continues to elevate from this point on the ferocious title track. Who knew you could get jiggy to such intelligent rhyming? If anything, they’re breaking down these barriers people put up for quote unquote lyrical rappers when they make bold ass claims that, rappers who rap about how good they rap can’t make records but these two don’t do that, they just know how to rap really well & make a great, easily digestible record but it’ll still be hard for some to stomach.

The 2nd single to drop from the EP, “CANCEL CANCEL CULTURE” finds Potent calling on a few of his henchmen to tear down this whole cancelling crock plaguing our lives. They don’t say anything too wild, which I appreciate cause they could’ve easily taken this opportunity to be offensive just for the sake of it but if they are offensive to some, it’s just cause those people aren’t ready for such truth to be spilled into their ears. A lot of harsh truths are crammed into this concise little posse cut. They’re just keeping it “HONEST”, which is really all you could ask for in a culture littered with fugaziness. The 1st single to drop from the EP & it’s another fucking slapper of course. Funny how he says for these cats to stick to the TikTok dances cause they can’t rhyme right, knowing that those same people are gonna take his advice & create little sorry dances to his music, completely butchering the vibe but hey, run those streams up. After everything has winded down though, it’s time to “HEAL” on the most vulnerable record we’ve heard from these two. Even those chords in the beginning take me back to the early 2000’s, to bands like P.O.D. & it’s just nice to get a record like this that touches upon mental health awareness, especially in a climate where music like this is few & far between. A very fitting way to close out GODHEAD, with these two angelically walking through the ruins, looming.