Video G - In Character (EP)

Last week I came across Victry Record artist Video G through his latest EP titled “In Character,” where the album art intrigued me and instantly swarmed my curiosity to give this project my full time to listen to it. It wouldn’t take long for the intro record “Reloaded” to have my complete attention for me to sit down and browse through the rest of the 7-tracks that would easily play through my entire weekend, then spill into the rest of the week on heavy rotation. It’s a project that will surely stew over for the next few months in my daily listening and one that we’re excited to share today on the site for our inquisitive viewership. 

As mentioned before, “Reloaded” was the record that initially got me hype about the EP since the 8bit-inspired production wailed through the beginning before Video G burst up on the scene, exploding into this rap profession, spitting venomous lines with high-powered energy that satisfied my urge for some potent hip-hop content. He didn’t slow down his rhyme scheme when entering into the next track, “Clutch”. If anything; it evolved in this spontaneous combustion of ill verses with defying nature of prestigious efforts. He uses another Matrix reference which could be one of his inspirations for bringing this album to life, just like the DeLorean on the cover art. He enjoys a pop culture reference that focuses on an outer-worldly placement which could be the running theme if you think about it; making music for the future worlds is a complex vision but one I can get behind for sure. He follows it was a few tracks before getting to the outro that are interesting; take “Money,” for example; it’s one of the most violent records on the album but easily one of the hardest joints. It’s angrier than the rest but so real simultaneously; I love the storytelling structure so much that it’s a complete one-off from the rest, but I be lying if I said that I didn’t play this at ignorant levels when it comes on. The remaining records like “Nights” & “Soul” are on the more conscious tip where the production is flourished nicely for Video G to share a bit of his heart on his sleeve. Still coming with the vigorous wordplays in these soulful tunes, it’s a shining example to see why this EP meant so much to our listening experience. Video G completed an amazing blueprint to seize the opportunity of sharing his gift with more listeners, and I think it paid off exceptionally well for him. 

The future looks bright for hip-hop when we got artists like Video G carrying the torch. I hope this isn’t the last time we see music from him. I’ll make sure to keep him close on our radar, but in the meantime, we highly recommend you check out his music here and share it around on all social media avenues.