KC Thankthetrees - Jackson Five Freestyle (Music Video)

I first heard KC Thankthetrees thanks to the good brother Shelly Knicks so bless him right quick for putting me onto this beautiful lyricist. I really admire how effortlessly he can weave different elements into his music, it’s just one big amalgamation of skills, from introspection to barring out to even storytelling, it’s all wrapped up in this little freestyle he’s blessed us with. Even though there’s so many metaphors & meaningful lines coming at you, it’s delivered over some easy listening Lo-Fi production, just to help you better focus on what exactly he’s trying to get across here, we’re aware of how fleeting the attention span can so concise records like this, that manage to still pack so much & sacrifice little to nothing in terms of skill is so appreciated.

Breadshots has been little by little hitting my radar personally, every video I’ve seen them be behind has just been a marvelous experience & though this one here may be the most simplistic out of all the ones I’ve seen, I love it cause it just centers the focal point on the man himself, there’s no need for all this extra shit to distract you from what KC has to say, just some pretty colors & flowers even, how’d he know I have such a “healthy” obsession with flowers? Anyhow, there’s a lot of things to unpack with his performance here, be it the many many references, which I’m sure people will have a ball catching onto, or even the more simpler one liners that people could single out as mantras even, lines like “won’t drown cause I’ll float” really showcase his emotional maturity cause he ain’t letting anyone keep him down, far from an excuse maker.

Can we just acknowledge how effortlessly a double entendre this hook is though, it’s literally one measly line & yet he managed to do a lot with it, a true sign of a great writer to reference two legendary yet completely different groups in the same vain. With a new album slated for release any day now titled “how do I tell you”, it’s clear that we’re gonna get a lot more introspection than we’ve gotten here or any of his music prior for that matter. I personally have a deep affinity for when artists feel the need to let us in on their lives cause they don’t have to do that, an MC of his caliber can just simply outrhyme everyone on every record & sure he still does do that but he also has something to say & what a dangerous combination of skills to have as an MC.