jC Tranquility - No Love Lost (EP)

It’s been a long time coming but it looks like jC finally added another feather to her cap with her debut EP. If you’ve been following her up to this point, then you’re aware of the good energy she exudes & can expect the same throughout each of these 4 records. Opening up with the lead single “Keep It Proper”, we get to see the hustler in jC in full effect. It’s clear that she’s been putting in so much work that she don’t have time to just hang around with anyone who isn’t on the same wavelength as her. She’d love to bring her people along for the ride but the question is, are they willing to or are they just willing to offer their opinions on what they think she should be doing, so as to make them feel better about the position in life they’re currently at. The love only becomes lost when people start to feel a certain way about you being more successful than them, which I never understood cause success is subjective, who’s to say they aren’t, it’s just that they may not feel like it but it’s still all love on her part, just stay over there & out of her aura field. She’s got too much energy that need be protected by these energy vampires.

On “Reimbur$ement”, jC switches gears to get a little bit more vulnerable. She’s so real that she got her son’s vocals looped throughout the record, which only further adds to the sentimentality. It’s important to her that her son understands how hard she works to give him the life that he deserves. She’s aware of how much it affected him when she split from his father but hopes that when he grows up, he understands that she gave her all & sometimes, things just don’t work out & that’s okay. What’s important is that she didn’t use that heartbreak as an excuse to not be the best mother she can be to him & from what I witnessed with my own eyes at the listening party, he understands that. It’s definitely a slow burner of an anthem that all the single mothers out there will really appreciate. She still has some sense of love for that man but she knows she ain’t welcoming that energy back into her atmosphere so if I was him, I would not be getting my hopes up. She’s clearly doing just fine without the bullshit.

Abuse is always a serious issue, whether emotional or physical & personally, I think emotional abuse isn’t talked about enough. It’s just as damaging, if not more than the physical cause you can’t see it & it can also manifest itself in ways that can really affect you bodily. What I love about her performance on “Tears Turn 2 Scars” is that, she’s not putting that man down at all, she’s actually wishing him the best, which just says so much about her as a person to be willing to take the higher road, especially after everything he put her through. She was nothing but down for him but, as men, I don’t know whether it’s a societal thing or just the compartmentalization we tend to do, especially when it comes trauma but it’s important we not keep these things bottled in cause I can tell you from experience, doing that can really cause your deep seated insecurities to plague even the greatest of relationships. Love is always hard but it does not warrant bruising of any sort & I’m glad more women are speaking out about this & hopefully that brother has held himself accountable for the damage he’s done & can never fix.

People grow apart, that’s just part of this cyclical life. It’s a shame though that, sometimes people still be in their feelings about you changing, as if you’re supposed to remain the same. They see you doing better than them or in that man’s case, better than when he left her & they try to bring you back down & remind you of who you used to be but you’re just not that person anymore & nothing they say or do can you bring you back down to their level. It’s rather sad how some people remain stagnant, especially when part of you knows they have the potential but I think that’s where a lot of us mess up, we see the potential but in ways, we kinda enable them to be complacent when we keep ignoring all the red flags that continuously present themselves & at some point, something’s gotta give. Overall, jC had a lot to get off her chest with these 4 powerful records, we even get hit with her notable poetry at the end, which really brings things full circle, being that, that’s where this all started & now look at her go! It’s beautiful that she took all these losses as lessons which have only pushed her to continue to elevate fore she is now forever on the incline.