Shannon Sionna - Halfway To 30 (Single)

Wasn’t expecting this at all if I’m being honest & not just the crying this tearjerker is emitting out of me either. Her versatility as an artist is so admirable so this curveball musically is more than just appreciated, it’s needed, particularly for people like myself who are still doing the inner work to heal those wounded children that still quiver to this day. Though grateful that we’ve made it to this halfway point, some of us haven’t been so lucky to overcome so this is for them as well. Shannon’s self reflecting is so heartbreaking cause you can really feel the pain behind her sentiments she’s sharing with her younger self. She, like a lot of us, probably learned a lot of things the hard way & wasted a lot of her youth doing things that now seem meaningless in the grand scheme of things, let alone this juncture in her life.

This record took me back to classics like “My Immortal” from Evanescence & that’s not to compare, obviously both different in every which way but similar in the feeling they both bring out of me, though Shannon’s lyrics are much more relatable for me. It’s easy when you’re young to feel left behind on what everyone else is doing but if only she knew how fine she actually was being behind the curve, she wouldn’t have wasted all that time trying to fit in where she didn’t belong to begin with so as to impress people who probably aren’t even around anymore & I don’t necessarily mean that in a grim way, it’s just that, those weren’t the people she needed to be impressing & for what, at what cost, her innocence? 

Her performance on this record is so subtly powerful as she soars the skies of her universe like a dove, spreading its wings wide enough to make angels weep & only she has the capability of clipping them. I’m certain that when we receive the visuals for this song, it’ll be presented in an auditorium or stadium even, it’s too epic a ballad to deserve anything less. It’s beautiful to hear her forgive herself for what she didn’t know then but knows now & vows to continue making that little girl the proudest she can be. I believe we all should follow Shannon & make those efforts in healing ourselves & not be in such a rush to get everything we want before 30 or whatever, just move at our own pace, be kind & gentle with ourselves cause even with all her wisdom, she, like all of us, is still figuring this whole life thing out.