Kevin McGee feat XV - On & On (Single)

The latest installment in the Kevin McGee & Friends series features none other than Wichita’s own XV. XV has been putting in work for almost 2 decades already, working with a lot of our favorite MC’s like Cole, Kendrick, K.R.I.T. to name a few & now he’s tapped in with one of very own hometown heroes! He & Kev have been down for about ten years, back when he was really shaking things up in the industry but don’t think he still ain’t doing so. If you’re not privy to all the work he’s been doing with Michael “Seven” Summers then you need to get out from under that rock you’ve been living in & get familiar. I feel like he & Kevin are both criminally underrated so to see them both come together for a record as powerfully inspirational as this number is beautiful to see. It’s been a long time coming for both of these gentlemen.

With production by Jabari on the Beat, it gives these two the perfect bed for them to rest their heavy head upon whenever their crowns get a little too weighty to carry & balance, kings need their beauty sleep as well. Kev sure knows how to create these timeless anthems. I understand some people take issue with hooks that just repeat themselves but something about the simplicity of this one is just so infectious & gives listeners the opportunity to really focus in on what’s being expressed. Kev hears all the noise but knows full well that he’s leagues above all of that nonsense, he may hear what’s being said about him but it doesn’t fully cut through the way his flow cuts through the noise. He gets respect from those whom it actually matters from so their disrespect is like them screaming into an endless void. Their jealousy over him making a living off his passions doesn’t concern him, nor does it affect him in the way they’re probably hoping it will. 

What’s great about Kev is that, not only does he always showcase how seamless he is with the bars, as well as having such a motivational tonality throughout his flow but it’s that, whenever he calls on someone to feature on his records, it’s like he gives them the alley oop to really let their let shine cause man, XV sounds marvelous on this number. Pardon the serial (cereal) bars, he’s far from spoon fed & it’s not like he’s gonna baby the listeners by doing so just cause the airplane is flying over your head, in terms of bars that is. He matches Kevin’s energy & flow ever so gracefully throughout this glorious record. We’re baring witness to one of those collabs that should not fall by the wayside, that should not go undetected, this needs to be on everybody’s radar immediately. Completely came out of left field for me personally but is beyond welcomed. Kevin got a lot of friends in this industry & we’re definitely curious who else he’s about to surprise us with when it comes to this series of his.