Igwe Aka - Super Eagle (EP)

If you’ve been following Igwe, then you’re aware of these 4 singles he’s now compiled together into his latest EP, “Super Eagle”. 3 out of 4 of these records have visual treatments that honestly make these songs more euphoric than they already are. If you aren’t aware of the “ONITSUKA TIGER” footwear brand, based in Japan then don’t worry, there’s a bar in here that beautifully explains it while also playing on the name. On this ethereal opener, Igwe seems to be waiting for the other shoe to drop, in spite of his newfound success. He still ponders times past & all the heartache it took to get to this juncture in his career. He explains how although he came from dealing, it was never a suit that quite fit him, ultimately choosing these compositions over it, possibly to cope with the loss of a dear friend, as well as his grandma. Also, nice play on words with shortening her to “grams”. There may be people hating but he wouldn’t have it any other way. All the fruits of his labor are blossoming into fruition so he just takes this time to reflect.

Of course, this lifestyle comes at a cost. Currently stuck in the limelight trying to make limenade. It wasn’t easy for him to get to this sense of euphoria as he was previously surfing along that pessimism wave. He apologizes for that thought & to whoever may have been affected by his attitude & poor decision making around this time. He just wasn’t in the right state of mind, depression had unfortunately taken over. The relationship with this girl possibly played a part in that, which explains why he’s ready to let her go & move onto greater things. She seemingly used his unhappiness as an excuse to justify her actions but she has no one to blame but herself now that he’s finally realized his worth & put a stop to their cycle of toxicity. As much as you feel it still hurts him, he knows in his heart that it’s the best decision for both of them & if she ever wants to talk again, she can just speak to “TONY ON THE RADIO” next time she hears his name come on it.

His collaboration with the lovely Camilla Covington has to be one of the most earnest songs I’ve personally heard. Both of them don’t wish to waste their time on these one sided relationships but still find themselves stuck. He realized that he couldn’t deal with all that comes with being in a relationship with this girl, therefore he moved away, leaving it all behind, though he feels a bit crummy about it. In Camilla’s case, this person chose up rather than choose her & she’s too much of a free spirit to not just simply move on from it. Closing things off with the introspective “EUPHORIC (ZOOM)”, he bares his heart & soul to God, that second verse on here is basically his coming of age story & one that I’m sure will resonate with many. Overall, “Super Eagle” is a soaring swooner of an almost 13 minute EP, full of ethereal melodies & ephemeral moments.

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