Eli Derby - Recognize (Single)

Are we still having that damn R&B is dead conversation or can we finally admit that it’s alive more than ever? Maryland’s own Eli Derby is another one of those newer artists keeping the genre thriving with his earnest musicality. A lot of these young cats were seeing grew up around music so it’s no wonder they sound as good as they do, it’s about time people “Recognize” the talent hiding in plain sight, not even, right in front of them. I’m sure anyone who follows him so how excited his father was to see his son on a giant billboard promoting this latest single. It’s just great to see love like that in this climate. Parents encouraging their children to pursue their dreams & then having it come back full circle has gotta be a great feeling!

6 singles deep, with 5 being from this year, “Recognize” marks his 5th drop of the year & it is yet, another one of them ones. If you’ve been following Eli, you know he’s serious about this music thing, I mean none of these records sound like one another, versatility is major. But for anyone complaining that there’s no healthy R&B out, you got yourselves another single that proves that, especially our men in the genre, have no issue being vulnerable & sensitive, or a simp as people like to slanderously call it, ridiculous verbiage if you ask me. What’s so wrong about telling a woman you love her or expressing your feelings & emotions towards her? Not everybody just wants to hit it & quit it, some men are actually looking, longing for something long term.

Eli recognizes in her what he’s been yearning for all this time & is damn near ready to fall on bended knee & propose to her. It’s that love where you’re attached at the hip & people love to hit you with statements like, that honeymoon phase won’t last forever but Eli don’t care, there’s nobody else but her that could ever be more perfect for him. He’s blinded by her love & more than welcomes it. He truly believes that she’s a godsend & is willing to do everything in his power to cherish her presence in his life for years to come. Even the sound of this record takes you back to the mid 2000’s with its looming sense of nostalgia absolutely bleeding into your ears for all our listening pleasures. Eli is definitely an artist you must keep your eyes peeled for cause I doubt it’s gonna stop here.