Baby Aztro - False Idle (AM) (Album)

The second half of Baby Aztro’s “False Idle” has arrived & whereas it’s predecessor was meant for the evening, you know what he’s bringing on that AM side. These records are much more soulful than the PM side & as a result, are some of the best tunes to start your morning with, they’ll give you hope that you’ll make it through the day. Too often, the mundanity of the 9 to 5 can become grueling but fret not, Aztro is a blue collar worker consistently putting out music for the working man. He just has this way of opening up your mind & seeping his thought provoking rhymes deep into your psyche.

“False Idle”

Opening up with the title track, which fittingly begins with an excerpt from Chris Rock, we get that classic bar heavy work from Aztro. He doesn’t have a single filler bar here & impressively balances his dense lyricism with social commentary. Aztro slams the idolatry he sees running rampant & tears these false figures down from the pedestals. The choir looming throughout gives it this gospel feel as his scriptures portend over the heads of listeners like dark clouds. It’s almost a warning of sorts, like Armageddon is nearing & he’s asking, are you prepared? He refuses to stay stagnant & only wishes to evolve.

“Morning Cigar & Coffee”

It’s the little things in this life that make it all worth living. For Aztro, he feels most at peace with his cigar & coffee, it’s a daily routine for him, we all got our own so even if you’re not a fan of tobacco, you can still appreciate the serenity these two things bring him. You should maybe give it a try though before you knock it, it’s an ingesting combination to say the least. If you’re someone like Aztro, who’s been prolific with his musical output for longer than I can specify then you need these moments to yourself where you can wind down & ease whatever stresses may be weighing on you, that way you can go through the rest of your day just floating through your responsibilities.

“Daily Affirmations” featuring Roland Ryan

Aztro & Roland Ryan are back at it again with their follow up to “Rich Porter” & it’s as elegant. They still talking their shit but only cause they feel so inclined to & who wouldn’t if you’ve put in as much work as these two have. If we’re being honest, talking your shit is really just positive self talk, you should wake up everyday & rather than complain about being tired or gee, what shoe is gonna drop today, which people tend to do too often, why not perform a soliloquy in front of your mirror about how you’re the shit? These brothers are on a wavelength that not many can say they’ll ever have the privilege of being on & you too could rise to your higher power. Not many make it out of the dark places they’ve been fortunate enough to so don’t think for a second that they take their blessings for granted. They are never complacent & always motivate themselves to strive for more.

“Ease & Abundance”

This record got that R&B feel to it’s production & is the perfect atmosphere for Aztro to soar through in search for “Ease & Abundance” in his life. He takes this time to reflect upon himself, self aware enough to know that, he needs to slow down & take this life shit a day at a time. Too often we sweat the little things that in the grand scheme of it all, don’t really matter as much as we think they do. It’s funny how fast life can change once you start pouring into yourself. Now some see him as cocky when he’s merely confident, now his ex wants to come back around once she sees he’s actually got it but he’s cool on all that, it’s his pie & he ain’t splitting the cake with nobody. He’s making moves & living his life & nothing can interfere with that, his circumference is currently closed off & there’s no way to infiltrate his peace. It’s gotta be a wonderful feeling, waking up every day to do what you not only do best, but love & actually find a way to live & feed your loved ones off it, I’m certain that’s what we all strive for.

“U (Not You)” featuring Wes Denzel

Now this is that R&B you need in your life. I never thought I’d hear Aztro tackle this style but he does so in his own unique way, it’s not your typical R&B record but he got the gift of gab so his well articulated thoughts on his wife’s beauty & existence are sure to have her swooning, a reminder of the man she fell in love with. Wes Denzel’s harmonies throughout the beat is such a beautiful touch & he even blesses us with his own soft spoken verse for that special lady in his life. It’s beautiful that we can have these celebrations for the women in our lives, especially at a time where there’s such a disconnect between the men & women, records like this call for togetherness. Not to mention, it’s jiggy as can be with it’s infectious minimalism.

“During the Weak”

I don’t think anybody is better with the use of samples than this man, he knows how to utilize this excerpts to his advantage & then wax his eloquence over it. Not many can bring the same gospel he brings to these records. His lyricism is just God tier at this juncture in his life & career & records like this are just simple for him, an excuse for him to showcase how effortlessly his rhymes can make the angels weep. This is all he does during the week & there ain’t nothing weak about it.

“Nothing Is Permanent”

That’s the one certainty in this life, we like to think we’re immortal cause we made it through another day but we’re also the only creatures roaming Earth that are aware of our mortality. Nothing in this life is here to stay, even that of which overstays their welcome, many will be here today & gone tomorrow. Even all the hardships Aztro has had to personally face, that pain was never as everlasting as it felt it would be whenever he was in it. Records like such are so important at a time like this, where mental health is a main focus. Aztro takes his time to reflect but he also makes sure to enjoy the fruits of his labor while he can cause where we’re all headed to eventually, we can’t take any of it with us. He even asks that we not mourn him whenever his time does come but rather celebrate the life he’s left behind for us in the form of his art, to enjoy for years to come. 

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