WilliE & Tia' Gold - Dear Darla (Single)

After blessing us with “S2b”, this beautiful songstress blessed us with a more subtle yet very poignant number dedicating to leaving things behind that no longer serve us & were more so just weighing them down more than anything. I always feel iffy listening to records like this being that I’ve been the trash ass guy they speaking on for longer than I care to specify but it’s okay cause I appreciate records that kick me in my heart like this cause how the hell else is it gonna get through to me when I couldn’t even listen to the sincerity in her voice but I digress, this isn’t about me but, this is so indicative of the voice of reason I have in my head that talks me out of my own desperation.

Here though, she’s the voice inside Darla’s head telling her that this relationship has unfortunately ran its course & it’s best for both parties involved that they end this before it goes any further. I now understand how difficult a task that is to do cause I recently had to watch someone I love come to that conclusion & they had been feeling that way long before they even made the decision so I understood it wasn’t no overnight thing. While the record is empowering, it still hurts knowing how much hurt we trash ass dudes cause these women & what’s funnier is that, they’re much better at managing that hurt than we are, even though we’re the root cause of it, it’s pretty ridiculous.

I look forward to an eventual full length from Tia after blessing us with this really strong number & I advise you go back to listen to the previous single & let her hold you over until that eventual sophomore followup. I don’t know if it’s for certain but after hearing this one, which is so concise yet still manages to say so much in that time frame, she absolutely has come together to churn out more subtle beauties like these. I’ll end with this though, if you or anybody you know is being abused & I don’t mean just physically but emotionally, nobody ever seems to talk about that form of abuse enough, then I advise you get out of that as soon as you can & I empathize, I can’t say I understand cause I don’t but I empathize with how hard it must be for a woman to do cause you don’t know how we’ll react but how we feel about it shouldn’t concern you, you gotta do what’s best for you & if that means cutting off all connection & leaving without a word then by all means Darla.