Durand The Rapper - I Can Do It All (Album)

Nothing warms my heart more than an MC who is the full package & you know full well that’s what you’re getting, judging off this cover art alone. Durand off rip is calling out any & everybody, it’s the kind of attitude I like, that brash & in your face shit. Production this colossal, it makes sense Durand is poking his chest out, that pride of his reigning supremely over the game, it’s a stern example of how to open an album, your introductions are so important & he absolutely blacks out for almost 3 minutes. The game is gonna need to take some time to recover from these bombs he’s dropping.

On “War 2”, Durand gives another stellar performance, not only is the messaging in his verses powerful but he doesn’t sacrifice the bars nor the wordplay to get his points across. His syllables are so on point, it would take me forever to break it all down but best believe I’m doing just that cause he’s so meticulous when articulating himself. People might feel the need to call people who are as outspoken as he is “preachy” but I’d more so call it “passion”, he’s just passionate about calling out the hypocrisies he constantly sees polluting the youth. He & King Blitz then take it back to that bar heavy shit as they spar with “No Hook” cause fuck a hook, you gonna get these bars!

On “Avenge You”, he tackles the topic of police & even pedophilia, among many other things that are affecting the youth & vows to protect them as much as he can, by all means necessary. It can be hard for a lot of people to hear things like this cause we like to pretend certain things don’t exist but they very much do & if anything, he’s giving voices to the voiceless with this one. He’s “Way Too Cool” to wanna have to put his hands on anybody but if you test him by hurting those he loves in any sort of way then he’s willing to sacrifice his life to protect them & that’s a man I wouldn’t wanna fuck with if you ask me. 

On “Rise”, Durand details his past life in the drug game & how he eventually found a way out of it in pursuing this music full time. What’s unfortunate though is that, he has loved ones who haven’t found that way out & it’s not like I’m sure he hasn’t offered his help but he understands how difficult it can be to find that way out or even want to due to the rush, the fast money but ultimately, the conditioning. And of course, he calls out those who are faking the funk like they’ve been in the field, let alone even been witness to what goes on in said field, he’s not having it with them obviously. Overall, it’s a powerful fourth offering from this impeccable lyricist & a strong start to what I’m sure will be a prolific year for him. Be warned though, if you’re frail to someone else’s opinions, some of his might hurt your feelings but you can’t argue with the logic.