Vibe World Order - Still Broke (Album)

Three singles in the year and countless hard work from one of my favorite collectives in rap, Vibes World Order, and you got the making of one of the hardest projects to not only come out in New Jersey but in the year. No favoritism here at all when I saw that since these guys do make sure to give you their everything when they walk into the booth, and you can hear the grind including countless hours in "Still Broke," which that showcase they might be broke in some places but rich in other ways.

Now when entering the album, the first two tracks will look familiar since it's two of the four they dropped before the project. Still, I like how they fit coincidentally since they are different style-sounding tracks, but man, this helps prepare you for the rest of the joints you're going to be devouring. The first new record we divulge into is "MILKMAN," in which Reg Mason just explodes into a room of wildfire the way he goes off on a tangent of rhymes and urgency in a manner that only he can pull off. Continuing our journey through the tracks, we get the remaining two singles, "Lift" & "WYA" with Anna Shoemaker, shown before the release, but I love how they fit onto the album's placement since it goes well with the rest of the project. "SMOKING HOT" is the collective take on the trap sound, and I don't think we've heard them in this style before. It's a different concept from what we've been familiar with, but I'm not mad at it since they definitely showcase they can fit any sound you put them on. The final three tracks are insane and anchor all together with the previous records, so you'll see why I speak very highly about this project. You just knew that some track on here would get our feet moving & "CAN'T STOP" is that track. The upbeat tick of the production is just so infectious that while I'm sitting down writing this, I'm twisting my body from side to side in my seat so I can only imagine what my feet be doing when I'm standing up. "Bankroll" is a slowed-down tempo release that is securing its victory lap with the way each emcees just tackles a verse with ease. It's like a gazelle in a pond full of alligators with no way to run, it's going to be a blood bath for sure, but they take their time to menacing stalk their prey until they go into a frenzy. The last track is by far one of my favorites; I love how they set up a storyline for the outro "Noir" then precede to give you a storytelling single about them robbing a bank while giving you every single detail of the situation at hand. Very creative efforts all around to VWO, and what a way to end an incredible listening piece. I truly enjoyed every single bit of it and commended them for going beyond the grain.

You never what to expect when getting a release from VWO, but I will tell you that you'll never be disappointed by it. Seeing these guys continue to win is something I'm proud of, having seen their journey from the start. I wish them continued success and hope to see them on a broader scale in the near future. Be sure to check out the latest and greatest from VWO here while sharing it around on all social media avenues.