Adrilla - Who That Girl (Single)

Adrilla is honestly, criminally underrated, I mean, those who know, know, but I don’t feel like enough people know of one of the crispest spitters I’ve personally ever heard. Just revisit his “PERFECTAMUNDO” EP & you’ll come to learn that everything he does is just that. He just has this swaggering charisma to his flow that instantly makes his records infectious as can be. Though he’s a member of the undeniably groovy FRITOGANG, he also stands extremely well on his own while still delivering that exact flavor you get from a record from the gang.

I love these records that feel like they could’ve been spawned from a much earlier time, a time when shit was simple. Any music closely related to FRITOGANG gives off that reminiscent vibe & if I didn’t know any better. I would think, did Timbaland produce this number or even the Neptunes cause? Man, I just want to get groovy to this one. The ladies, for sure, are going to eat this one up as he really captures that infatuation feels when they see a bad one. Can you blame him for wanting to slide on over & spit game? Especially if the game being spit is this slick, no wonder she canceled on y’all’s date last minute & if you’re looking for an apology from Adrilla, he’d probably just tell you to charge it to the game.

If you follow Adrilla on the gram, you probably already saw the little snippet to the visual treatment of this record & it’s everything I expected it to be. Elegance at its finest, almost like this style of his, is an acquired taste that only very few will have the privilege of trying. He just rhymes with so much class; you can’t help but wanna throw on your best fit & follow suit. Even the camera work on that is incredible, it really gives it that old-school VHS tape aesthetic, so hopefully, we get to see that visual in all its beauty sometime soon. Still, the record is fantastic enough to hold us over until then & god bless Adrilla for reminding them!