J Allan - Catchy World (EP)

J Allan has become one of my favorite producers in the game; his sound is just that good. From everything he's done with two of my favorite artists in Pauliiito & AwkwardLowlife, if I see he produced it, I'm invested. Last year, he hit us with his "So Catchy" EP, which is his tag and label catchphrase. I'm going to need one of those hats & I'm personally not a big cap wearer, but to show support, I will. When I say that he brings the best out of each of these artists he works with, kicking off this new EP with Ma$$ie, who details everything he's had to endure to get to the point he's currently at in life. The production is as wavy as his flow over it & there are many witty lines, I mean, "smoking cat piss, smell like doo-doo," I have never heard a line like that, double entendre alert!

KiddKill is another one of my favorite lyricists; he's a vicious hyena who knows just how to rip the flesh off a beat. Of course, Allan provides him with a more darker esque production piece where he gets to let that ferocity of his out like a junkyard dog breaking loose of its chain & hopping over the gate. He refuses to be the "Man Down" in any given situation, try him & things will pop off quicker than you can pop off. Chico Big Benji is living life like it's his "Last Day," just flexing about everything he's capable of over an even wavier beat by Allan; I love that his flow is swerving in & out of the beat's lane.

410theloop just got the package from "Oregon," his flow super nonchalant which fits snug over this meditative production. The substances he's under the influence of got him levitating over this piece as he details what is basically routine for him. J Allan & The Reverend are "Gone In The Wind," an ominous street anthem where he takes you through how shit is where he comes from. Even though he's The Reverend, that gangsta is still within him, so fuck around & he can make you meet God. We end things with "Penny Stocks," where Yung Bambi & Chef Courage let it be known how easy it is for them to pull any bitch your imagination can think of. They about their business enough to do so & Allan's stocks are going up after this, very subtle production throughout from him. Still, each of these artists really breathes life into his work.