Blasé Lux - Escapism (Single)

Even his Spotify bio alone is intriguing; I’ve never heard of a creative referred to as being “multi-disciplined,” & frankly, most of the artists who have complete autonomy over their art are usually incredible & with just this one single out so far, he’s already well on his way to showcase his own unique style of music. On “Escapism,” he meshes so many different sounds together, from those wavy synths, the Trip-Hop Esque beat with its Funk-like groove & his voice, which gives the record a more Alternative sound & I absolutely love that. Most artists show how they can’t be contained to one sound throughout multiple records & he did that with just one record that’s not even 2 minutes long!

This record sounds like something I would hear in passing scrolling through the FM radio on, like, some college station & his lyrics here let us know that he’s escaping from his reality. Maybe things are a little too harsh for him currently, I’m sure many of us can relate, but there’s no need to bring all that into the party. Just leave those woes of yours at the door on your way in to not bring the mood of the party down, get lost in the vibes & escape for a while; be one with the trance that these vibrations will lull you into. There’s nothing wrong with letting loose & that’s more than just stepping out of your comfort zone for a little night of dance & debauchery; it means letting go of the things that are no longer of service to you, that only stand in your way, like your fears, which you should’ve left at the door with your woes.

He doesn’t even have nobody to dance with; he’s just grooving to the beat of his own drum on his own. He’s in his element, twisting & twirling, quite like the cover art exemplifies, allowing the music to suck him into its atmosphere. Those deep chords towards the end showcase how the night is starting to die down, but he’s still on the floor, getting down with it. Nothing will stop him from escaping his realities, especially if being in a fantasy-like out-of-body experience feels this fantastic. One can only hope we get more of these infectiously groovy numbers throughout “The Escape Theory,” which is closer than we think. I can already see the light at the end of the tunnel; god bless Blasé for sharing his talents with us!