Awkwardlowlife - Never Be Famous (Album)

AwkwardLowlife has been on a tear that just keeps tearing, he’s got a lot of threads to unravel & he continues to peel back the layers of who he is & where he’s at in life with his latest release, “Never Be Famous.” Again, I don’t understand how the man continues to elevate with these releases that don’t have much space between them but all sound completely different from one another; it’s like he’s just expanding on certain aspects of each project. This one, however, is the most poignant of all his releases thus far, starting with that atrabilious opener, which is a beautifully titled record. It immediately grabs your attention; it’s like his heart is about to incinerate with all the emotion he’s releasing off the rip.

Awk has been a “Lost Boy” for longer than I’m sure he cares to specify. Still, he’s never forgotten where he’s come from, reflecting on how far he’s come & how much has changed from where he was but also, what hasn’t changed, he still struggles with his fair share of addictions. Still, you can tell with the tonality he’s delivering these melodies that he wants so badly to overcome his addictions & as an addict myself, I believe he will. He’s overcome a lot in his life, things that would surely break somebody like me, but he inspires me to keep it pushing cause he doesn’t strike me as the type to make excuses anymore. He’s doing everything in his power to fight back against those demons cause he’ll be damned if they overtake him. I mean, “Here We Are,” & we’re here to stay till we aren’t; time waits for nobody.

Although the whole theme of this album is how he’ll “Never Be Famous,” fame is just a byproduct of all this shit. What Awkward does is a lot more powerful than fame cause this is the kind of music that’ll help people & I doubt that this is the kind of music the powers that he would love to promote, which is sad to think about it. It’s a fucking “Wasteland” this industry or this town as he puts it, he knows there’s more out there for him & is dying to find an escape, through with all the fake love. He needs something other than what he’s comfortable with; though he is a creature of habitat, it is home for him after all, so maybe the “Oz” will take him elsewhere.

AwkwardLowlife ain’t going to “STOP IT!” anytime soon; personally, this is the most upbeat I’ve heard him, but it’s still very severe & poignant what he’s speaking on. He doesn’t care who feels any sort of way about the shit he speaks on cause it’s just his truth & how you think about it isn’t any of his concern, so just stop it & let him live his life & march to the beat of his own drum. He’s found a lot of success in doing so, so maybe get your weight up before stepping to him with any negativity. The way he ends this on a lighter note with “Into The Night” really shows how much he’s not only matured musically & artistically but as a man. His priorities are no longer out of wack when he’s with his family & girl; as long as he has that, he’s here for the long run & I, for one, couldn’t be happier knowing that.