Melat - The Lesson (Single)

It seems everybody just wants to make me cry & honestly, I’m all for it cause I need to get it all out of me. This life is all just “The Lesson,” & it’s going to fly by before we know it & you can sit & ponder what it all means. Hopefully, we all reach that point of fulfillment; I think a lot of that means letting go of things that no longer serve you, which can be very hard. As well as many others, I know that I can relate to Melat’s first words uttered on this smooth number; why do we stay when there are so many reasons to up & leave? Is it really love, or is it just a certain level of comfortability? Who knows, it could be many reasons at play.

Healing starts with forgiving yourself; in heartbreak, it’s up to you whether to forgive the other person for their treason though I’d hope others could be mature enough to do so. I know I’ve always struggled with forgiveness; it’s funny how I’ve personally been chasing love only to wind up with the poorest of results in the end & clearly, that was my mistake. I should’ve let things happen organically, let them crash in instead of crashing into the other person with my love when it’s never to be reciprocated. It’s no wonder things could never work & we give up so easily; it’s hard but not as challenging as sticking around for all those “reasons to leave,” especially when they outweigh the reasons to stay.

Who wants to be bickering all the time when we can just live our lives in peace? You can’t force love, it just happens & you’ll know when it does cause of how brute it is about it. Love doesn’t care about your reasoning for forcing things; I think that’s where all this hurt has been coming from lately, which makes this lesson all the more beautiful. I needed this & I’m glad she shared what she’s learned with us; it’s all quite simple, yet many of us struggle to really grasp it. Yet, when it’s administered this heavenly, the message is surely heeded. This record is that modernist Neo-soul; all the instrumentation makes it all the more powerful & of course, her vocals have never sounded more soaring, easily her best performance to date.