Amore Bey - Paradise (Video)

Amore Bey is living in “Paradise” on his latest banger, which you can find on his double single “Know Yah Worth,” which is really what both records are talking about. Self-investment is the best investment one can make cause when are you gambling on yourself? Where’s the fault in that? The chimes on this record really give it this poppy trap feel; it’s beautiful when artists not only bend genres but create music with a message, especially one of empowerment like this record. It’s just so cool to me when you can create something so catchy yet know that you’re getting jiggy to the right message.

The hook, of course, is my favorite part of the song, it’s so simple, but that’s what makes it easy for you to sing along with. The kids will love it for sure; I can see it making its way into the TikTok realm. He’s living life to the fullest; no weapon or slander formed against him will prosper as long as he continues elevating upon that inclination he’s clearly steadily been on. Sure these lames will do everything in their power to ensure that the slope he’s on is as slippery as it can be, but he seems to have that balance within himself to stay as high up as he is; he isn’t coming down anytime soon.

I simply couldn’t reiterate the description in the video for this record any better than he has. The man is blessed as can be & I just love the spirituality of it all; he’s big ballin’ for sure, but just the scenery & the little things in life he’s shining a light on in the video like the skyline. The ocean blue, the greener grass, that turtle, I wonder where exactly he filmed this at cause it is gorgeous & kind of makes you want to step out of your own habitat. If you’re a creature of comfort like I am, I’ve never been the traveling type, but if it gets me feeling the way he’s feeling on this record, well, then I guess I have no choice but to know my worth & continue investing in myself that way I can see the finer things in life.