AwkwardLowlife - Idk What Hurts More, Your Words Or This Hangover... (Single)

This alternative lane AwkwardLowlife has been venturing more into has been supplying us with some of the best songs, not only from him but within the Rock sub-genre. I thought "Incinerate" surprised me, blew me away, this new record right here that Awk dropped on us out of thin air; thank you kindly. It's a mouthful, but that's what immediately caught my attention. I love long song titles; bands like the Flaming Lips always got titles like this to their songs, let alone the fact that it's Awk Low. If you know, then you know, his real life, full of raw emotion, bleeds all over everything he does, but it completely takes over with this new record.

I don't know who produced this, played these instruments, but they absolutely crushed it into ruins. The atrabilious tonality of Awkward's vocals really lay it on thick with the din going on in his head. The pain is palpable, even arranging this record, how it starts heavy, then calms down & builds back up. Those fluctuations make it the portentous record it is; Awk is done questioning his existence, done being lead down the garden path. It can be seen as him addressing the snakes possibly within his, could be one or multiple, but regardless, his paranoia is getting the better of him, he feels like someone is coming for him, doing him wrong & he just won't stand for it any longer.

It's a horrid feeling when someone you thought you knew turns out to be something totally opposite. That betrayal is a sharp pain in your chest & that's how Awk feels & we feel, as I'm sure a lot of us, I included, are living vicariously through the words his bleeding out onto these records. The irony is all the life that he brought to this record despite the content of the record, his soul has never sounded more dejected, but at the same time, it might be the best record he's put out so far this year & probably period. It's definitely high on my list cause he has a lot of music, a lot of great music & clearly, he isn't going to slow up anytime soon. No matter what life throws his way, he's going to continue to channel those emotions into these beautifully tragic records.