Vermin The Villain & FATHERWASP- Deathtape (EP)

I wonder if these two got any inspiration from the movie "Enter The Void" it's an insane film, almost as insane as this "DEATHTAPE" is. I mean, this is probably the most peculiar, left field, avant-garde, or any other synonym you can think of that I've heard so far this year. That intro alone lets the listener know that they're in for one hell of a head trip; I mean, just the monikers of these artists alone let you know that it's about to be chaotic. Vermin the Villian is as vicious as can be when FATHERWASP is stinging foes left & right beside him & of course, the production is supplying the battlefield for them; nobody is safe.

There are so many moving parts in these songs, you kind of just get lost in it; you might even think your speaker system is having a seizure when this is rattling out it. It's some sort of dementedly warped trap music; it's almost like they're boiling all of their thoughts into a cauldron & the result is a mind fuck of psychedelic induced verbal assaults. We find our antiheroes roaming through "The Valley" for miles on end, those whirling flutes bleeding into the "Rule OF Three," it's like their rhymes are pulling you into so many different directions at once it's easy to get lost in it.

These guys could wax poetic until the "End Of Time," submissive to the "Judgement" of their mind, body & souls. It feels like such a long journey with all the knowledge that's coming at you from all four corners, but it's over before you know it. We're all on a "Pursuit Of Knowledge," even for relatively unknown things; we just have to know that most people fear what they don't know & those are the same people who get thrown into the warped psyches of this destructive duo.