Kydd Jones - TV On (Single)

I'm going, to be honest, this is my introduction to Kydd Jones & I'm thoroughly impressed with what he was able to subtly deliver here with "TV On." The cover art alone is relatable; his flow on here really does feel like the fan is blowing cool air at your face on a chilly night with the television on, playing your favorite show. Just stagnant, not really doing much in life other than treading through the mundanity of it all, the repetition could drive anybody to stir crazy, but Kydd refuses to fall victim to that. Lethargy won't be keeping him complacent with life when he knows there's so much more to experience.

I love how he's created an ode to drowning out the noises that only seem to be the loudest at night when we're trying to sleep. Demons really do be on a different type of time, that being their own, which can be at any given second. They pounce whenever they please, with no warning or anything, so it's best to move with caution. He needs advice his grandmother gave him; you either find someone to console you or keep grieving on. Although the first choice seems logical, we always tend to choose the latter, just hurting ourselves. He's clearly been there before but is steadily working on his passions, consoling himself in the process & seeking to give back to his people, his community.

Whatever you have to do to alleviate your stresses, by all means, this life is hard enough as it is but don't allow yourself to get distracted from the bigger picture. We all got talent & it's up to us to tap into it & use it to our benefit. Kydd managed to take something as mundanely relatable as leaving the TV on to sleep & sound so awake as he weaves through his sentiments like wind through leaves or, better yet, that fan blowing at your hair. It's just amazing how his syllables are just one after the other. Still, in the form of a sing-song kind of rap, that's super impressive for it to be super melodic & super lyrical all in one & with that being said, I think I just found my next artist to dive into!