Isaac Zale & Chuuwee - Think Good Thoughts (Album)

Issac Zale & Chuuwee are here to encourage us all to “Think Good Thoughts” & how could we not when they instantly roll through the function with about an ounce in the “Ziploc,” the previously released floor stopper, love that they opened things up with this number. It right away lets us know that we are in for a very relaxing listen but what’s great is that none of the lyrical skill is being sacrificed to make any of these instantly infectious records. They learned from their “OGZ” & advise some of these youngins do the same cause they’re embarrassing themselves out here. They’ve been doing this for a minute now, so basically, there your “OGZ.”

The herb can do nothing more than get you “Lifted Up” to the highest of altitudes; one puff will only further their statures & more importantly, it gets the girls feeling frisky. Hopefully not your girl being that they clearly could make her swoon over them with the swiftness, probably even off the lone fact that they got better smoke than you. Still, I hope that didn’t “Cut So Deep,” like the betrayal of someone you once trusted, but rather than deal with that nonsense, they’d rather just make peace & call upon their “Earth Sign.” You either take them for who they are, or you don’t have to; just don’t waste their time.

Clearly, these two have been taken their “Vitamins” to give us such a healthy dose of dope lyricism on this project. They hold nothing back & don’t pretend to be anything they’re not, letting us into the flawed beings that they are. Their self-destructive proclivities & all, there’s “No Room For Saints” in this “Plastic Nation” were forced to live in, but there’s always room for authenticity. Nobody is perfect; we all overindulge a little bit from time to time, but we mustn’t lose ourselves in these worldly ways of ours. We must remember what we do all this for cause without them, we’d just “Live Alone” & who wants that, it’s almost impossible to “Think Good Thoughts” when in isolation, so let’s band together & light one up to this opus!