Dingo Johnson - Bullish (Single)

How many flows & witty verses does Dingo Johnson have to breeze through before everyone realizes that he just raps better than whoever you claim to be your favorite? He’s here for the sheer sport of it, so you know damn well that he’s forever on his “Bullish,” funny cause he is pretty bullish when he comes through shattering every piece in even your finest china shop. If you mess with him, you are going to get the horns, each bar of his piercing right through, breaking the skin with the most brute of force on his 3rd release this year thus far.

Dingo seems fed up with the game as a whole, probably due to that whole blackballing bullish he was subjected to a while back. Still, he’ll be damned if he doesn’t continue reminding listeners just who the fuck he is & what he’s still very much capable of doing on the mic. Like Oprah, everybody can get some smoke, you know, those signals steaming the tip of his “Sarah Mcglockin” urging anyone in his scope to get the fuck out the way. Lots of bodies are going to be left in his trail & you wouldn’t want to be one of them; his bars remain witty as ever though he doesn’t seem to play around as much as I’m used to, it seems he’s got a lot of scores to settle.

The cover art of this & the previous single indicates that, while he had release three thus far, only those two are leading up to another potential project from the misunderstood MC. The criminally underappreciated wordsmith who’s been delivering heat-seeking missiles as such for quite some time. It’s about time we set whatever deep-seated personal issues you may have with the man aside & appreciate his contributions thus far. His pen is nothing to play with, so is his stock game, which is exemplified on the cover art with stocks being the latest trend people are getting into. He’s even better than you when it comes to that, don’t get him started on his “Bullish” cause he’s just going to stay poking at you, don’t be so irritable & sensitive; you tried. Still, he isn’t going anywhere & S/o Mikemadeahitter, who’s been pacing Dingo with these hard hitters!