Reed - Aren’t You Glad You Didn’t Kill Yourself (EP)

reed. has been working himself tirelessly close to death for a minute now, so much so that he told himself on two separate occasions that "You Should Just Kill Yourself. He's fed up with the hands he was dealt but is now adjusting, no longer upset at what he can't control rather focused on what he can. Asking himself, "Aren't You Glad You Didn't Kill Yourself" on his new EP, full of heartfelt grooves & non-stop vibes as he twists & twirls us through his "Mindset," opening up with a Rock/Trap hybrid sound. He's trying to put his doubts & worries to rest peacefully, he doesn't have time for these games running on him, but he's too attached to get this person out of his head, so we only fall deeper into his mind.

lilbootycall is called upon for the subtle floor stopping & rug pulled out from under your groove track titled "Damaged" It's apparent these women have had quite the impact on these two, in their dating lives now, they wish to take things slow, not rush too quickly into the commitment due to past hurt. It's important that he stresses this before she gets in way over her head. Still, maybe she too is damaged if she's infatuated by the "Misfitz" as $teven Cannon throw bands all over the place while simultaneously racking up more by any means necessary. He's tapping into his worldly ways now that nothing & no one is holding him back from doing so; he isn't about to let someone else come into the fold to repeat history.

It does sound like a video game once we hit "Deathloop" as he zips through every level at top speed, avoiding death at all costs, so what if she wiped the floor with you. He's saving himself before he dies so that when he reloads the save, he instantly dies & is born anew, back on his shit, no longer pondering what's now behind him. He's not picking up that "Telephone" when he, OG Maco & Ty Talaban are back to throwing them bands, surrounding themselves with bad bitches. Of course, the money is there to feel better that he hadn't killed himself, which we're glad he didn't cause he turned his pain into revelry, party the pain away as I say.