Tobacco Ryan feat GoldenChild - Cranberry (Single)

The forbidden fruits are always the sweetest; they are so far under the influence, he's urging her to stop or at least slow down with the vices before they overtake her. She's bad, but her priorities need straightening, too many things within both of their systems. Still, the "Cranberry" vodka finds its way inside; he can see she's just a serpentine slithering through his greener grasses but is too intrigued by her to pay that any mind. Something's going to have to give at some point, though; he can't keep enabling her by showing up. He's intuitive enough to know but for Christ's sake, just look at her beauty.

Tobacco Ryan's wordplay on here is so elegantly classy; he rhymes at such a high level, you just know he's beyond those old ways of his. He has bigger fish to fry though he's eating lobster; he still has driven even though the whip is having problems. He's not going to allow someone who's clearly trying to constrict him from his ambition makes him lose sight of what lies up ahead. He doesn't want to see her crash, but he's not going to collide with her either; there's too much at stake. However, he's urging her to hit the brakes before she does; there's too much power she's chiseling off the grindstone instead of simply keeping her nose to it, ironically, like he is.

She's bad, but he needs something different, a Halle Berry if you will, someone who's strong & independent, who knows what she wants, who has her priorities in alignment. It was fun while it lasted, but overindulgence is a fool's game & he's not going to keep it prolonging anymore than he has. What should've just been a fun one-time experience has gotten too scary to deal with, way out of hand & it's time he sealed the cap on the cranberry vodka. Everything should be done in moderation; I'm sure it won't be the last time they meet; for now, though, they need a little break to stave themselves off the cranberry, her with the flavored vodka & him with her.