Racquel Jones - IgnoRANT (Album)

This album is anything but ignorant, but it's chock full of her abrasive rantings in the guise of lyrical acrobatics. My god is the lyricism throughout these records fierce as can be & coupled with its unique production throughout. Its trap meets electronica meets R&B, it's just all over the place, ambidextrous as I'm known to say, but none of it becomes too overpowering to the lyrics, which are the main focus here. It's clearly stated on the album's prologue, "Invocation," if you ain't hearing her. She's going to force your ears to pop open with her bold statements, punches & multisyllabic wordplay throughout; even her voice alone tells you that you're in for something so raw & potent.

On the holy madness that is "Sacrilege," she rips into the non-believers with the wrath of God. However, she sounds the least bit preachy; she's sounding like praise the Lord & pass the ammunition on here, spilling blood almost as easy as communion wine on the hymnal. Nobody is safe when she's loading her weaponry in the sacristy; she's got a lot of "Anger" within her & is urging you to make way forth; you wouldn't want to be a casualty on her quest for making those who have caused her & her people to suffer intensely. A lot of collateral damage will come from it; it's every man & woman for themselves. That's what survival is; it's a "Jungle" we're forced to live in, even on "Daddy Issues," she doesn't got time for that silly thing called love, it shouldn't matter that she hit it & quit it, beating men at their own game I see, love it.

When she's "Hurt," things can get real "Ugly" real fast; you wouldn't want to catch her on a "Manic" day. Her emotions are unpredictable; she can be "Arrogant" as can be, a "Queen" one second then "Heartless" the next. A goddess as such wouldn't take any shit from anybody, she's demanding what's hers & if any wish to not obey, she's taking it with brute force. Her flows on here are animalistic; she's like another instrument how she beats these beats down to a bloody pulp like banging on heads like bongos. I was not expecting this madness going into this, but I am more than happy to bow down to it.