AMEA - Last Cry (Single)

I haven't heard from AMEA since last year's "Light Years," &, in terms of musicality, she's still pushing the envelope on one out of two of her latest this year thus far. Still, we're diving into "Last Cry," the opening sequence to this concise piece reminds me of how a lot of those old 90's R&B records would come in, real calm & peaceful, instantly giving you that sense of tranquility she's clearly trying to tap into here. She has no more tears she wishes to shed over someone who obviously isn't worthy enough to deserve it; she's putting on her brave face & tackling the issue head-on.

That opener soon bleeds into a more modernist vibe. However, it still has that old soul feel to it. The way she rides the keys could unlock many doors; her voice is another atmospheric layer on top of the ones already established. She's ready to embark on something new cause this world she's forced to face is not one she wants to remain in; a lot of pain & suffering only seems to come along with being complacent with it. It's getting in the way of true happiness, so she's calling on God to heal & give her strength one needs to persevere in the face of adversity & though she knows she can't save everybody, she still holds onto the hope that she'll meet them all on the other side.

She has no problem with any of her people being creatures of habitat; it's almost like the cave theory. She's the one who was brave enough to step out of it & see that there's more to life than what she was accustomed to inside the cave & she comes back to tell her people of what she's witnessed, urging them to come along but not forcing them, just letting them know what lies outside of this place they call him. She hopes they understand that she can't stay for her own sanity, although she still considers this cave home. However, she hopes soon; her people can follow in her footsteps & not be afraid to embrace a change in setting for once. Life has got to be better than what they've been subjected to so far.