AwkwardLowlife - Demon Girl 666 (Single)

Fresh off his magnum opus “Wrong Life,” everyone’s favorite peculiar degenerate AwkwardLowlife is back with a new single titled “Demon Girl 666”. Not sure if J Allan laced this one too, but it sure sounds like his production; the use of Jennifer’s Body as the cover art was a smart move. He wouldn’t have even needed to put any words on the artwork, just that picture & I would’ve pieced it together with just that photo cause I love that movie, so Awk automatically gets points for that alone.

I swear, whenever Awk does these pop-punk records is where he really blossoms. It’s yet another to add to that list of them he has under his belt; I’d say that we deserve a whole album with this sound. He’s feeling like he’s wasted his time with this girl, putting forth all this energy towards her only for her to not only not reciprocate it but to pretend like he doesn’t even matter, but he’s not one to take that lightly. He will be calling her bluff cause she knows damn well she can’t resist him; they’re one in the same, therefore a match made in hell.

Awkward is anything but, at least in terms of his music, it’s relatable, easily digestible & honest to his story. He’s not ashamed to give you all of him, so the least you can do is the same or nothing at all. It’s almost like he knows this girl is bad for him, but it’s something about her that just won’t let him let up on pursuing her & the same goes for her. No matter what he does, she’ll always find her way back around to him; both of them are tortured souls hoping their togetherness can make them at least a little less tortured.