David Sabastian - America On Fire (Single)

Yesterday evening we were introduced to Los Angeles-based artist David Sabastian thanks to the wonderful folks over at BeeniLL, who had shared his most recent release titled "America On Fire." The cover art for the single showcased the ass of a voluptuous woman with the confederate flag sticking out of it while it's on fire, which is a surprising imagery to capture, but it's what drew me to the track. The track is gifted in many ways, especially with how it has you thinking of the monumental shift that the world has gone through this past year due to the pandemic. I like how David has his own interpretation of the struggles, fear & violence that many have gone through on a daily being obstructed by corrupt leaders, which he's able to channel this aggression and put in a series of raps that has a message behind it.

David expresses the hatred of the world's oppression that's been spewing out in the last few months, with the death of innocent minorities, mainly black people who've had their lives taken by the bigotry and racist police. He's seen levels of instantly that many wouldn't believe or you think it's something out of a movie because of how unreal it sounds, but it's life as we know it, and we're living in it, unfortunately. Other situations he mentions of having militant guards and vehicles throughout the street that has many neighborhoods looking like Baghdad but yet we still walk over it or go blind when it doesn't affect us. We take things for granted or don't fight for them as much as we should; the first two verses explain these chaotic things that we've might have endured recently. The chorus is a great transition explaining these truths, then appealing to the masses by shouting "Bounce That Ass" repeatedly shows how we find other ways to build positivity up or use them to find some lifting emotions in our lives can be used a diversion to really see what’s going. Its catchy rhythm helps build us up throughout the single, where at last we get to my favorite part of the record. The last verse is spectacular because I can hear and feel the rebuilding; he talks about all the destruction from the two previous verses that are overly loud when he mentions them. Yet, the loudness starts to lower; then the production begins to fade away into a more vibrant sound of how the things he's said before are now beginning to cease down, places are opening back up, the rich are being condemned for their heinous actions, they've done or caused. The oppressed people are rising back up again, and we stand as he says as one tribe together again. The deliverance of how he can break down this record is a triumph feeling, I'm sure, but the finish line isn't done crossing yet. We still have some ways to be free from it all, but we continue to go forward and hope to see better days. The madness of the world is all revolves around the mighty dollar and the destruction that comes with it. We take every win and every loss the same, but slowly we'll get there. We have to continue to fight & assist in shedding light on the liars of the world who stand by waiting for America to be dosed in ashes created by the fire.

David Sabastion is out of this world with the record, and the visual is just as promising as the track. I hope to get more of his content in the future because I'm completely blown away by this track here, and I'm hoping this post helps get many others introduce to his music. I recommend you check out both the track and visual here while sharing them both on all social media avenues.